Chandler is currently in design for two concrete shared-use pathways along canals in west Chandler where unpaved pathways currently exist. A 0.9-mile path along the Kyrene Branch Canal and a 0.25-mile path along the Highline Canal will connect to concrete paths in the City of Tempe. Bike lanes will also be added on Orchid Lane and 54th Street.
These pathways were identified in Chandler’s Transportation Master Plan as a mid-term (2026-2030) Bicycle and Pedestrian Recommendations project with the objective of creating safer, more comfortable pedestrian and bicycle environments, and connecting to regional concrete paths. The projects will include lighting, wayfinding, some landscaping, and a rest node.
A public meeting was held in August 2022 as part of the project assessment, with the project assessment completed in Fall 2022. Project design began in June 2023 and included a public meeting in December 2023 to solicit community feedback. The information and exhibits from those efforts are provided in the accordion below.
The Kyrene Branch Canal and Highline Canal pedestrian and bicycle improvements will be designed and constructed together as one project. Since the project is receiving federal funds for design and construction, environmental, right-of-way and utility clearances will be needed as part of the design process, with construction expected to begin once clearances and easements are received.
Project Schedule (subject to change):
- Project Assessment: Completed in Fall 2022
- Project Design: June 2023 – Fall 2025
- 30% Design: Completed in October 2023
- Public Meeting: Held in December 2023
- 60% Design: Completed in March 2024
- Environmental Clearance Complete: Summer 2024
- Stakeholder Meetings: Completed during March - August 2024
- 95% Design: Completed in October 2024
- Preliminary Final Design Information Shared with Public: October 2024
- Transportation Commission Meeting: Early 2025
- Temporary Construction Easement Acquisition: Fall 2024 – Fall 2025
- Project Design Complete: December 2025 (Design cannot be finalized until temporary construction easements have been obtained and the environmental, right-of-way, and utility clearances have been received)
- Project Construction Begins: Spring 2026
Current (Preliminary Final Design) Information (Oct 2024)
Incorporates any considerations through community feedback received.

The City of Chandler is proposing to construct a new 10-foot wide, concrete shared-use pathway along the Kyrene Branch Canal where a gravel pathway currently exists. The purpose of this project is to create a safer, more comfortable pedestrian and bicycle environment, and extend the regional concrete pathway along the Kyrene Branch Canal by approximately one mile from its current terminus at Knox Road to a new terminus south of Linda Lane.
The majority of the project is located along the Salt River Project Kyrene Branch Canal. As part of the project, a new pedestrian signal is proposed at Knox Road and Kyrene Road to provide safer crossing and connectivity for path users.
This improved pathway will provide important connections to regional bicycle facilities, such as the remaining Kyrene Branch Canal Path in Tempe and the Western Canal Path and will respond to Chandler residents’ request for additional off-street pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
The path segment north of Ray Road currently has lighting; however, this project will add new path lighting to the segment south of Ray. In addition, the proposed project includes wayfinding at key points.

The City of Chandler is also proposing to construct a new 10-foot wide, concrete shared-use pathway along the Highline Canal between the existing City of Tempe Highline Canal concrete shared-use pathway and Orchid Lane. Additionally, separated bike lanes will be added along Orchid Lane and 54th Street. Similar to the Kyrene Branch Canal pathway project, the purpose is to create a safer, more comfortable pedestrian and bicycle environment along the Highline Canal by a quarter mile along with three-quarters of a mile of new on-street, separated bike lanes.
The new concrete pathway portion of the project is located along the Salt River Project (SRP) Highline Canal. As part of the project, separated bike lanes will be added along Orchid Lane from Priest Drive to 54th Street, and along 54th Street from Orchid Lane to approximately 900 feet south. These pedestrian and bicycle improvements will provide important connections to regional bicycle facilities, such as the remaining Highline Canal Path that extends through the Cities of Tempe, Phoenix, and the Town of Guadalupe.
Other project elements include new path lighting, wayfinding, and landscape along the concrete pathway segment adjacent to the Highline Canal.
A public meeting was held December 12, 2023, to share preliminary information with nearby residents and businesses. The exhibits and information from the December public meeting are provided below. Additionally, targeted outreach with stakeholders such as adjacent residential communities and businesses will occur throughout the project design.
Public Meeting Information:
Project Assessment Information
Project Assessment Exhibits for Kyrene Branch Canal Path:
- Project Area Map with Path Cross Sections North and South of Ray Road
- Knox Road Crossing Exhibit
- Ray Road Crossing Exhibit
- Project Area Key Map and Proposed Improvements
Project Assessment Exhibits for Highline Canal Path:
City of Chandler Title VI Notice to the Public
The City of Chandler hereby gives public notice that it is the City’s policy to assure full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, and related statutes and regulations in all programs and activities. Title VI requires that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, sex, national origin, age or disability be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any Federal Aid Highway program or other activity for which the City receives Federal financial assistance.
Any person, who believes his/her Title VI protection has been violated, may file a complaint. Any such complaint must be in writing and filed with the City’s Title VI Program Manager within one hundred eighty (180) days following the date of the alleged discriminatory occurrence. Title VI Discrimination complaint forms may be obtained from the City by contacting: Dan Haskins, Title VI Program Manager, Mail Stop 407, PO Box 4008, Chandler, AZ 85244-4008/ 480-782-3335 (or 711 via AZ Relay Service).
Project Hotline: 480-898-4060
For questions or to provide your feedback or comments, please contact us by email or contact our project hotline, 480-898-4060.