No matter if you have a broken or smelly can, have questions about where to place your can to ensure collection or need an additional container, we are here to help.

Recycling and trash containers with cracked bodies, missing lids, handles or wheels are considered broken. Containers are not replaced due to dirty grime or unpleasant odors. Report your broken container to Solid Waste Services for repair or replacement.
Schedule a House Call
If your container is damaged or you have received a notice stapled on your container recommending repair, call 480-782-3510 to schedule. Ratepayers, or authorized users by the ratepayer, may also schedule the repair by completing the Damaged Container Request Form.
- Scheduling via the online form requires 7-14 days advanced notice.
- When scheduling container repair, the container must be at the curb for repair per instructions provided by Solid Waste Customer Service. Containers not at the curb for the contractor to repair are subject to a fee. View the City Fee Schedule.
Recycling or trash containers that cannot be repaired are retro-fitted and made into composters or recycled through a local contracted vendor.

Weekly collection is provided for recycling and trash containers. To ensure your service is not interrupted, follow the City Code, Chapter 44 requirements listed below.
Container Placement Guidelines
- Put your container out before 6 a.m. on your collection day, or after 6 p.m. the night before.
- Place your container in the street, with the wheels against the curb.
- Do not block the sidewalk.
- Keep your container at least:
- 3 ft. from other containers.
- 6 ft. from parked vehicles, light poles, and other structures.
- All items must be inside the container with the lid closed.
- Bag and tie all trash, including yard waste and grass.
- Do not bag recyclables. Keep recyclables loose.
- Remove the container from the curb by 9 a.m. the day after collection.
If your container was not collected, please leave it at the curb and call 480-782-3510 by the next business day.

Per Chandler City Code Chapter 44: Residential customers shall be responsible for maintaining trash and recycling containers in a clean and sanitary condition. The City of Chandler does not offer container cleaning services. Containers are not replaced due to dirty grime or unpleasant odors.
Keep It Clean CANpaign
- Bag and Tie garbage, grass and yard clippings.
- Double Bag and Tie garbage if necessary to reduce spills and leaks.
- Spray and Rinse container on occasion to reduce odors and dirty grime build-up.
Cleaning Your Container
Using a non-hazardous cleaning solution is recommended. The following is a natural solution that is simple to use AND cost effective way to keep you can clean. What you will need:
- Water hose
- Scrub brush or spray nozzle
- Dishwashing liquid soap or Borax detergent
- Baking soda (used as an abrasive cleaner AND odor eater!)
Directions: Spray container, wash with detergent and baking soda, and rinse container. Air dry the container with lid open.
Questions? Call Solid Waste Services at 480-782-3510.
In-house containers are available for residents to transfer recycling items accepted in the City's recycling program from inside their home to their blue recycling curbside container. In-house containers are free but subject to availability.
In-House Container Dimensions
- 6-Gallon Recycling Basket (with handle)
- Measures: 10.5" l x 9.5" w x 12.5" h
- 14-Gallon Recycling Tub (without handle)
- Measures: 17.5" l x 14" w x 14" h
Call Solid Waste Customer Service at 480-782-3510 for details about how you can receive an in-house recycling container for your home.
Residents needing additional curbside containers can call 480-782-3510 for delivery.
- $75/can (non-refundable) fee for an additional container, plus a $10/month service charge for trash service.
Contact Us
Solid Waste Services
Customer Service Representatives are available
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.