Communications and Public Affairs (CAPA) develops and maintains community and media relations as well as communication programs to present municipal information to the public. CAPA also coordinates residents' requests for service. In addition, it provides public relations support and media relations counsel to the Mayor, City Council and City Manager's Office.
It also oversees license agreements with cable television and telecommunication providers. Other roles and responsibilities include oversight of the city's social media presence and the production and design of websites, newsletters, news releases, publications, speeches, videos and government cable television programming.
Public Information Officers
Matt Burdick
Communications and Public Affairs Director
Liaison to:
- City Manager's Office
- Courts
- Law
- Police
- Fire
Stephanie Romero
- City Clerk
- Chandler Municipal Airport
- Development Services
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- Economic Development
- Mayor & Council
- Neighborhood Resources
- Community Development
- Housing & Redevelopment
- Neighborhood Preservation
Jennifer Honea
- Buildings & Facilities
- CityScope (editor)
- Fleet Services
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Management Services
- Accounting
- Budget
- Purchasing
- Tax & Licensing
- Utility Services
- Transportation Policy/Transit
Toni Smith
Communications Manager
- Community Services
- Aquatics
- Library
- Parks
- Recreation
- Cultural Development
- Chandler Center for the Arts
- Chandler Museum
- Downtown Redevelopment
- Special Events
- Vision Gallery
- Public Works & Utilities
- Solid Waste
- Streets
- Water
- Capital Projects
Please select one of the following categories to learn more about what services the Communications and Public Affairs provides: