Per City Code Chapter 44, trash services are provided to covered residences within the City of Chandler for a monthly rate.
To receive more information about services provided, call Solid Waste Services at 480-782-3510.
If you are a new resident to Chandler and need to start solid waste services in your name, please call Utility Billing at 480-782-2280.
Covered residence means the following types of residential units located within the City that allow safe access for collection vehicles to complete curbside collection in front of each unit, as determined by the director:
- Single-family homes;
- Duplexes;
- Tri-plexes; and
- Multi-plexes, other than business establishments.
Chandler residents paying for City-provided solid waste services receive the following:
- Weekly recycling and trash collection
- Curbside bulk (recycling and trash) collection
- Residents can schedule curbside bulk collection.
- Resident must call customer service or complete the Bulk Request Form, in advance to schedule*
- Use of the Recycling-Solid Waste Collection Center (RSWCC) - A resident self-haul facility for trash and recycling**
- Use of the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Center - Resident must call 480-782-3510 in advance to schedule an appointment*
To schedule services call Solid Waste Services at 480-782-3510, Mon. - Fri. from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Containers must be at the curb by 6 a.m. the day of collection
- Containers cannot be placed out prior to 6 p.m. the day prior to collection
- Containers must be removed from the curb by 9 a.m. the day after collection
- Containers must have lids closed with no protruding objects
- Contents of curbside containers shall not exceed two hundred (200) pounds
- Contents of alley containers shall not exceed six hundred (600) pounds
- Material must be bagged and tied in trash container
Maricopa County regulations and Chandler City Code require residents to bag and tie garbage.
Securing trash in bags reduces concerns for unsanitary conditions including the breeding of flies, odors, and spillage on roadways.
Bag & Tie Requirements:
All perishable garbage that requires a bag and tie includes, but is not limited to:
- Food Waste
- Animal Waste
- Diapers
- Grass
Please help maintain sanitary conditions, control odors, and prevent spillage in your neighborhood by keeping the container lid closed and using plastic bags to bag and tie perishable garbage and grass.
Recyclables should not be placed in plastic bags, but rather placed in the blue recycling container loosely to assist in the sorting process.
- Dirt and rock*
- Concrete*
- Household construction and demolition debris*
- Manure*
- Liquid Waste
- Hazardous Waste (includes paint, varnish, pool chemicals, gasoline, and other household hazardous material)**
- Batteries, other than small alkaline batteries**
- Medical Waste
- Vehicle bodies
- Tires*
- Ammunition (contact Police Department
- Scrap Metal*
- Livestock or dead domestic (animals under 75 can be hauled to Recycling-Solid Waste Collection Center)
- Septic tank pumpings
- Sludge
* Recycling-Solid Waste Collection Center
** Call 480-782-3510 to schedule Household Hazardous Waste appointment.
Customer Service Representatives
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.