Development Services

The Development Services team is dedicated to professional excellence and outstanding customer service. Our commitment to our residents is to provide sound land-use planning strategies, responsible design development standards and high-quality, cost-effective infrastructure as well as ensure safety and compliance to continue to preserve the quality of life in Chandler.

Customers are encouraged to utilize our online services, including As-builts and Public Records Requests. You may also contact our office at 480-782-3000 to speak to one of our representatives of the day in Building Safety, Civil Engineering, Planning, Traffic Engineering and our Permit Counter.

Over-the-counter plan reviews and walk-in consultations are available by appointment. Appointments can be scheduled by calling 480-782-3000 or online below. If you need to drop off plans, a self-service area will be available within our lobby. 

Pre-Technical Review

The City of Chandler Pre-technical Review is now required for any proposed subdivision, site plan development, new building or substantial building addition. This process is free of charge.

Electronic Plan Review

Electronic Plan Review enables the city to receive, review and return building and engineering design plans electronically.  

Customers will need to set up a log-in and password and first-time users of the system are encouraged to call the city to speak with staff that can assist them. The city will continue accepting printed plans but will be encouraging customers to begin using the online system.

For questions, assistance or more information, contact Chandler Development Services at 480-782-3074.