Management Services includes Administration, Accounting, Budget, Central Supply, Environmental Management, Purchasing, Tax & License, and Utility Services.
Administration serves Management Services and provides financial management and support services to other city departments. In addition to maintaining the financial integrity of the city with comprehensive financial administration, this division also provides for the development, coordination and review of all activities in the department including Accounting, Budget, Central Supply, Environmental Management, Purchasing, Tax & License, and Utility Services.
Financial Policies
The City of Chandler’s financial policies set high standards for stewardship over Chandler's financial resources and provide a guide for sound fiscal planning, budgeting, accounting, and reporting. The following financial policies provide the basis for each budget year.
- Operating Management
- Capital Management
- Reserve
- Debt Management
- Long-Range Financial Planning
- Grant Management
- Investment
- Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting
- Pension Funding
Debt Management
Debt Management is a critical component in a strong capital plan to fund city infrastructure. The city ensures maximum savings through bond refunding and minimizes impacts on the secondary tax rate (whose levy pays principal and interest on General Obligation (GO) bonds) through thoughtful planning. The city has strong bond ratings that make selling bonds an inexpensive option to fund needed capital.
Management Services
Accounting is responsible for maintaining accurate financial records and providing timely financial information to the public, bondholders, grantors, auditors, City Council and city management. This division is responsible for the areas of general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, special assessments, fixed assets, cash management, investments, debt management, grant accounting and compliance with accounting policies and procedures city-wide.
Budget ensures effective and efficient allocation of city resources to enable the City Council, City Manager and city departments to provide quality services to our citizens. Budget prepares, monitors, researches alternatives and presents the City's Annual Budget and Capital Improvement Program. They are also responsible for the development of long-range financial forecasts, and regular financial reports and provide assistance for all grant activities throughout the city.
Central Supply is responsible for maintaining and managing an inventory of maintenance, operational, and repair supplies for city departments. The division is also responsible for managing the city's asset recovery program and providing departmental records pick-up and storage services for the city's records retention program.
Environmental Management provides environmental regulatory compliance oversight of city operations and facilities, as well as performing environmental clean-up services when environmental releases or spills have occurred on city property. This division assures that the city performs environmental due diligence on all property acquisitions and dedication of real property to the city. Environmental Management also maintains the central environmental compliance files for the city.
Purchasing is responsible for maintaining timely and adequate support of the city's need for materials and services in accordance with federal, state and city legal requirements as well as managing the online Vendor Registration System process. This is conducted in an open, competitive and professional manner, which maximizes the effectiveness of the tax dollar.
Tax & License administers the collection of Transaction Privilege (Sales) and Use taxes and issues tax and special regulatory licenses. Licensing provides general information to the public, processes tax returns and payments, and processes all tax and special regulatory license applications. License Compliance ensures businesses operating in the city are properly licensed. Revenue Collection recovers delinquent tax revenues owed to the city. Tax Audit provides taxpayer education, tax code guidance and interpretation, and conducts audits of taxpayer records to enhance voluntary compliance.
Utility Services, also known as customer service, provides a single point of contact for customers for utilities, billing and collecting user charges for the operation of the water, wastewater and sanitation systems. Utility Services provides the highest quality of customer service possible.