100 percent of drownings are preventable. Chandler Aquatics, Chandler Fire, and Chandler Police want to know, #WaterYouDoing about it? Find the water safety resources you need to be the first line of defense and help ensure children are safe in and around water.

Turn the Tides on Drowning
Every day, about 10 people die from drowning. For children ages 1-4, drowning is the leading cause of accidental death, with rates even surpassing those of traffic accident fatalities. For every child who dies from drowning, another five receive emergency department care for nonfatal water-related incidents.
Drowning is a complex public health issue that requires a multifaceted prevention approach. Chandler Aquatics and Chandler Fire respond to the needs of our community by providing education, practical training programs, and initiatives essential to promote the safety and well-being of our children.
Upcoming #WaterYouDoing Events

#WaterYouDoing CPR Class
April 13 | Noon - 4 p.m.
CPR is a life-saving skill for teens and adults to learn. This class will cover the importance of CPR during water-related incidents. You will obtain an American Red Cross CPR certification at the end of the course.

Chandler Aquatics Swim Lessons
The "C" in the ABCs of water safety stands for classes. Understanding water safety basics is crucial for people of all ages. Chandler Aquatics offers several swim lesson options for children 6 months old to adult beginners.

Pool Fence Winner
Congratulations to our Pool Fence Giveaway winners! This family is receiving a new pool fence to provide a barrier around their pool.

WaterYouDoingDay - Dive-In Movie
Saturday, May 3
6 p.m.
Dive into water safety at this free event! Enjoy fun activities while learning the ins and outs of water safety. Then jump in the pool to watch the Dive-In Movie at 7 p.m. This year's featured film is Under the Boardwalk.
Be A Know-It-All
You know a lot about what’s best for your child, but parents who really know it all, know drowning is 100% preventable. Know your weaknesses and learn how to prevent pool, in-home, and open water drownings with tips and resources.
Bathtub Skills
Water safety starts at home. Chandler Aquatics is making bath time fun and showing you simple Bathtub Skills you can use to get your children comfortable in and around water. Bonus – by incorporating these tips into your bath time routine, you can also get your child ready for swim lessons or keep their swimming skills fresh during the off-season.
Water Safety Quiz
Prepare your kids to be safe around water, and keep the conversation going, with a simple water safety quiz.