Frye Road Protected Bike Lanes

Projects: ST2106.201 / CHN0250D / T031701C

The City of Chandler is designing improvements to construct approximately 2.5 miles of protected bike lanes along Frye Road from approximately one-half mile west of Arizona Avenue to the Paseo Trail (Consolidated Canal).

The project area includes existing signalized intersection crossings at Arizona Avenue and McQueen Road, a railroad crossing, connections to five Chandler Unified School District (CUSD) schools, San Marcos Park, Folley Memorial Park, and the Paseo Trail (Consolidated Canal).

The entire length of the project is within the City of Chandler right-of-way, connecting to Salt River Project (SRP) right-of-way on the east end of the project at the Paseo Trail (Consolidated Canal).

Exhibits from Public Meeting

Lane Section Views: East | West
Art Elements | Art Elements
Roll Plot - West End | Roll Plot - East End 

A public meeting was held during the initial design phase on November 15, 2022, at the Chandler Downtown Library. For more information about past public meetings and displays, please contact Teresa Makinen.

Construction for the Frye Road Protected Bike Lanes project is expected to begin in mid-April 2025. In advance of project construction, contractor crews will rehabilitate sewer manholes along Frye Road, from east of Alma School Road to the Consolidated Canal. 

Visit sewer manhole rehabilitation for information. 

Frye Road Protected Bike Lane Project Map

Project History

The Frye Road Protected Bike Lanes project was identified as a near-term bicycle facility recommendation in the Chandler Transportation Master Plan (TMP) 2019 Update. During the development of the TMP 2019 Update, the majority of community feedback indicated that Chandler residents are interested in bicycling but have concerns over sharing roadways with vehicles and desire a more comfortable experience that physically separates bicyclists from vehicular traffic.

The Frye Road Protected Bike Lanes Project will be the first project to design and install protected bike lanes to address these concerns, provide a more comfortable option for bicyclists, and enhance the connection and accessibility to Downtown Chandler, schools, parks, and the Paseo Trail.

Frye Road is classified as a federal functional class minor arterial in the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). However, within the project limits, it functions as a collector street and is not shown as a minor arterial on the City of Chandler’s TMP 2019 Update Roadway Function Classification Map.

Please contact us with your questions or comments, or you can call our project hotline to speak with one of the team members.

Project Hotline: 480-898-4060


Chandler Title VI Notice to the Public

The City of Chandler hereby gives public notice that it is the City’s policy to assure full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, and related statutes and regulations in all programs and activities. Title VI requires that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, sex, national origin, age or disability be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any Federal Aid Highway program or other activity for which the City receives Federal financial assistance.

Any person, who believes his/her Title VI protection has been violated, may file a complaint. Any such complaint must be in writing and filed with the City’s Title VI Program Manager within one hundred eighty (180) days following the date of the alleged discriminatory occurrence. Title VI Discrimination complaint forms may be obtained from the City by contacting: Dan Haskins, Title VI Program Manager, Mail Stop 407, PO Box 4008, Chandler, AZ 85244-4008/ 480-782-3335 (or 711 via AZ Relay Service).