The Home Modifications Program for Persons with Disabilities program helps low- to moderate-income persons with disabilities modify their homes so they can continue to live safely and comfortably.
Program Highlights
- Provides a grant of up to $10,000 for home modifications
- Single-family homes, condos, and townhouses are eligible
- Homes with second or reverse mortgages are not eligible
Types of Eligible Improvements
Widening doorways to accommodate wheelchairs, installation of wheelchair ramps, grab bars, railings, door hardware, modifications to showers, sinks and toilets, abatement of lead-based paint and other work approved by the Community Development Division.
Eligibility Requirements
- Chandler resident and Legal resident
- One year minimum proof of homeownership
- Must meet HUD income qualifications
- Income & assets for all occupants over 18 years must be reported
- Home must be City Code compliant
- Current on mortgage and tax payments
- Proof of disability - Home Modification*
Properties that Do Not Qualify
- More than one existing lien**
- Rental properties or home businesses
- Mobile homes
- Units not occupied by the owner as their primary residence
- Located in a flood zone and not covered by flood insurance
For more information about the available programs, please call the Housing Rehabilitation Hotline at 480-782-4323.