The City of Chandler's Housing Rehabilitation Programs are designed to provide assistance to homeowners who are low- and moderate-income necessary to improve their living conditions and elevate neighborhoods within the City.
The City of Chandler has partnered with FSL Home Improvements to provide the following programs.

Emergency Repair Program
This is a grant of up to $10,000 available to Chandler homeowners who are low and moderate-income with housing problems that pose a serious and immediate threat to the health, safety, or welfare of the household.
Review eligibility, requirements and typical improvements that are covered.Learn More & Apply

Exterior Home Improvement Loan Program
This Loan Program provides Chandler homeowners who are low and moderate-income with a forgivable loan of up to $20,000 over 5 years to assist in making necessary improvements to the exterior of the home.
Review eligibility, requirements and typical improvements that are covered.Learn More & Apply

Home Modifications for People with Disabilities
This is a grant up to $10,000 available to Chandler homeowners who are low- and moderate-income and are disabled. The grant is to assist in making necessary improvements or modifications to remove accessibility barriers.
Review eligibility, requirements and typical improvements that are covered.
Learn More & Apply
Housing Rehabilitation Hotline | 480-782-4323 |
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