Chandler City Council to review 2024-25 Budget and 2025-34 Capital Improvement Program

May 15, 2024
City Council Chambers

CHANDLER, Ariz. – On Thursday, May 23, the City Council will take action on the city’s Tentative 2024-25 Budget and the 2025-34 Capital Improvement Program (CIP), which is slated to be effective July 1. During the meeting, residents will have an opportunity to comment on the proposed city budget.

The Chandler City Council meeting on Thursday, May 23, will be open to residents, and can also be viewed live on Cox Cable 11, or streamed through the city’s website or YouTube channel .

At the June 13 Council Meeting, the City Council will conduct a public hearing on the 2024-25 budget, 2025-34 CIP and Property Tax Levy, followed by the action on the 2024-25 Budget and 2025-34 CIP for formal adoption. Council’s vote on adoption of the Property Tax Levy will be on June 27.

All three Council Meetings start at 6 p.m., and will be held in the City Council Chambers, 88 E. Chicago St.

Many of the services provided to Chandler residents are financed through the General Fund, including police and fire services, libraries, maintenance of city streets, parks and other infrastructure. General Fund revenues largely come from local city sales tax and state-shared revenues.

Other services are financed through separate self-supporting Utility Funds, which include Water, Wastewater, Airport and Solid Waste services, plus other Special Revenue and Capital Project funds.

The proposed budget is available for review online and in hard copy at the Downtown Chandler Library, 22 S. Delaware St., and the City Clerk’s Office, 175 S. Arizona Ave.

As part of the budget development process, the city’s Budget Office conducted an online survey of residents in November 2023 through mid-January 2024 and presented the results to the Mayor and the members of the City Council for their consideration during this year’s budget formulation.

For more information, call the City's Budget Office at 480-782-2254.

Media contact:
Jennifer Honea
Public Information Officer