Resident Bond Committee Helps Determine Bonded Projects

Chandler is in great shape and continues its tradition of fiscal strength, and maintaining AAA bond ratings. However, when a community has a capital plan to maintain and enhance public infrastructure, it is important that we have the funding options needed to continue moving forward and improving our community.
Although we have come a long way from our days of farm fields, our community is aging and there are many needs as it has changed over time. To keep Chandler moving forward as the Community of Innovation, it is time for a Bond Exploratory Committee to review the capital and infrastructure needs to build upon our solid foundation. This will allow the city to keep its strong financial position with reserves and sustain our emphasis on reliable infrastructure, excellent public safety and an outstanding quality of life that makes us a desired destination to live, work and visit.

Bond Exploratory Committee
The Committee assesses community needs and the potential use of bond funding to support Chandler's capital improvement program.

City Council forms Bond Exploratory Committee
Chandler City Council has formed a 31-member committee of residents to evaluate potential uses of bonds in four key areas.
Projects Built from a Prior Bond Election

Fire Station #2
Fire Station #2 is responsible for aiding nearly 50,000 residents in a single district—receiving 1,700 more emergency calls than the next busiest area.
The new station has provided the capacity for a second engine company, enabling improved emergency response times with a greater number of staff and vehicles on site.

Softball Complex at Tumbleweed
A new 30-acre state-of-the-art diamond field complex at Tumbleweed Park, the softball complex features four lighted fields for diamond sports with a dirt infield and turf outfield.

Tumbleweed Recreation Center Expansion
This Tumbleweed Recreation Center expansion is adding 11,000 square feet for recreational uses and programming space on the east side of the building.
It will include two classrooms, two patios with shade structures, a fitness room, game area, restrooms, a multipurpose room, lobby, reception area with a separate entrance from the existing Tumbleweed Recreation Center, and updated landscaping.

Ashley Trail/Paseo Trail Connection
The project will include extending the Ashley Trail eastward to connect with the Chandler Paseo Trail and installing a Signalized Pedestrian Crossing on Cooper Road.
The project is now in the advanced stages of the design phase, with construction anticipated to begin in 2025.

Boston Street Improvements
Reconstructing of Boston Street on the west side of Arizona Avenue from San Marcos Place to California Street.
The project includes removal and replacement of travel lanes in the eastbound and westbound directions, curb, gutter, sidewalk and ADA upgrades, striping, utility adjustments and landscape improvements.

City Hall Parking Lot and Alleyway Resurface
The Chandler City Hall Parking lot, located on the west side of Washington Street south of Boston Street, and the adjacent alley.
The parking lot surface will be removed and repaved with new striping. The alley to the north of the parking lot will be reworked to include concrete curbing, additional lighting, and a trash enclosure.

Cooper Rd/Insight Loop
Cooper Road will be extended to connect with Insight Way, offering continuity to serve and support the development of the Chandler Airpark employment corridor.

Downtown Alley Updates
As part of the ongoing revitalization south of the Downtown Historic Square, Wall Street Improvements from Chicago Street to Frye Road will improve and increase pedestrian spaces in Downtown Chandler.

Facility Upgrades
Bond funds have enabled upgrades to be made to the roof at Chandler Center for the Arts as well as to the heating and cooling systems at other city facilities.

Frye Road Protected Bike Lanes
Improvements to construct 2.5 miles of protected bike lanes along Frye Road from one-half mile west of Arizona Avenue to the Paseo Trail (Consolidated Canal) are underway with construction expected to begin in late 2024.

Street Repaving
Bond funds have enabled significant investments in the preservation of city streets, resulting in improved pavement quality and durability for residents.

Community and Neighborhood Parks
Bond funds are enabling improvements to be made to the recreational amenities and uses of existing community and neighborhood parks throughout Chandler.