Explore our essential policies, rules and regulations relating to the use of Chandler Parks & Recreation facilities and programs.
In Chandler, we are focused on providing parks and recreational opportunities, and programs that make us a premier community in which to: Discover. Image. Grow. Our wonderful public parks, playgrounds, and affordable recreational programs bring communities together and enrich lives. Below is general information, policies, and procedures related to these offerings.
Sign up for a free subscription and Break Time will be mailed to your home each quarter. There is a limit of one subscription per household. When creating a new account with ACTIVE Net® online, simply check the Break Time check box under "Email and Subscription Lists" in order to receive a copy of Break Time in the mail. For those with an existing ACTIVE Net® account, log on to your account and under "Account Option" >"Change Address" and again under "Email and Subscription Lists" check the Break Time box to start receiving yours via postal service. Those who do not subscribe one month prior to Break Time hitting the stands may pick up a copy of the current issue at your neighborhood library, community center, recreation center, or other City facilities, or read it online at Break Time. Whichever method you choose, we thank you for making Break Time a part of your active lifestyle!
Arrowhead Pool* 1475 W. Erie St.
Basha Library 5990 S. Val Vista Dr.
Chandler City Hall Lobby 175 S. Arizona Ave.
Community Center 125 E. Commonwealth Ave.
Chandler Downtown Library 22 S. Delaware St.
Chandler Nature Center 4050 E. Chandler Heights Rd.
Chandler Tennis Center 2250 S. McQueen Rd.
Desert Oasis Aquatic Center* 1400 W. Summit Pl.
Folley Pool* 600 E. Fairview Drive
Hamilton Aquatic Center 3838 S. Arizona Ave.
Hamilton Library 3700 S. Arizona Ave.
Mesquite Groves Aquatic Center 5901 S. Hillcrest Dr.
Nozomi Aquatic Center 250 S. Kyrene Rd.
Senior Center 202 E. Boston St.
Sunset Library 4930 W. Ray Rd.
Tumbleweed Recreation Center 745 E. Germann Rd.
*Arrowhead, Desert Oasis, and Folley Pool locations only carry the summer issue of Break Time.
City Initiated
The City reserves the right to cancel any program due to insufficient enrollment. Early registration is encouraged to help prevent course cancellation due to an apparent lack of interest. If a class or program is canceled, you will be notified and offered an alternative choice, if available. If no alternative is available, a full refund or credit on account (your choice) will be issued within 30 days. The City also reserves the right to cancel, postpone, combine classes, change rooms, or change instructors, as needed.
Participant Initiated
If you wish to cancel your recreation class or program enrollment, you must notify the Recreation Services staff at 480-782-2727 at least 48 hours PRIOR to the class start date for a full refund. Less than 48 hours notice results in a 50 percent refund. Refunds are not available after 50 percent of the course/class session is complete. Supply fee refunds will be pro-rated based on attendance unless otherwise stated on the registration receipt.
If you wish to cancel your Aquatics program enrollment, you must notify the Aquatics office at least three days PRIOR to the program/session start date for a full refund. Less than three days notice will result in 50 percent of the class fee refunded. The start date of class/session, no refund is issued. This refund policy does not apply to Aquatic Certification Courses.
Online Customer Withdrawals
Customers now have the option to withdraw (refund) from an activity online! If you wish to complete a class withdrawal online, your transaction must be completed three (3) days prior to the start date of the session/class. Less than three days, the customer must call to request a refund. Other restrictions may be enforced and the Cancellation of Classes/Programs and Refunds Policy applies. Please see FAQ on page 15 or online for steps to complete this process.
A $25 service charge will be assessed on returned checks.
The City of Chandler strives to maintain an atmosphere of courtesy and respect. Participants are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner at all times.
Code of Conduct and Safety
Non-registered individuals are not allowed in classrooms, either as an observer, family member, or dependent, unless the class description specifies otherwise. All classrooms have windows for observation.
The Parks and Recreation Divisions are committed to providing high-quality programs and services. If you are not satisfied, you are encouraged to share your feedback with staff.
Supply Fees
Some classes will require students to pay instructor fees and/or to purchase supplies in addition to the class fee. Instructor/supply fees should be paid directly to the instructor at the first class.
Non-resident Fees Policy
The City has a non-resident fee policy that is 35% higher than residents to ensure the funding of aquatics, parks, and recreation programs and facilities on an equitable basis with residents who pay City taxes. Customer residency is verified via our registration program. See the Residency Tab below for more information.
PCI-DSS Compliant
In order to be PCI-DSS Compliant, we no longer accept credit cards for mail-in or drop-off registration. Credit cards can be accepted for over-the-counter transactions that allow a customer service representative to swipe or enter your credit card info.
The City of Chandler will not prohibit any individual from participating in an activity due to a medical condition or impairment, unless the condition is likely to cause injury to the individual or other participants. An individual who has been told by a medical professional that he/she has a medical condition that is likely to cause harm to him/herself or other participants is obligated to inform the City of this condition or to withdraw from the program.
Please be advised that Chandler Parks & Recreation staff may photograph or videotape program participants, special event attendees and users of department facilities of all ages for publication, Channel 11 television shows, social media outlets (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc.) or other marketing materials as deemed necessary. Unless informed otherwise at the time of registration for a program, the City presumes that consent to be photographed or videotaped has been given by facility users and program participants. Such photographs may be used by the City without an obligation to provide compensation to those photographed or videotaped.
Photo Submission
Program participants can submit photos of their own from Chandler parks, facilities, or events for consideration to be published in Break Time or used in other marketing materials by emailing them to vanessa.isaula@chandleraz.gov. Include:
- Your name, address, and telephone number
- Names of those in the photographs and what activity is featured
- The statement “I hereby irrevocably consent to and authorize the use and reproduction by the City of Chandler or anyone authorized by the City of Chandler of any and all photographs. These photographs may be used for any purpose whatsoever, without compensation.”
- Mail-In and Drop-Off registration forms are currently being accepted and will be combined and processed randomly, starting at 10 a.m. on the registration opening date.
- Online registrations are processed in real time, as you use the system.
- Registration forms will NOT be processed prior to 10 a.m. on registration opening day. Registration forms received afternoon on the opening date will be processed by date received, in random order, starting the Monday after registration begins.
- Registrations dropped off at 8 a.m. have no priority over those received later in the day, or those received in the mail that same day.
- The City of Chandler is not responsible for lost or misdirected mail.
Aquatic Registration Policies
- Priority registration will be given to all Chandler residents registering for aquatic classes and programs. After resident registration, the registration process will be open to non-residents, if sufficient space exists in the program/class. Please refer to the Swim Lesson Schedules for the individual pools for registration dates.
- To ensure all individuals have an opportunity to participate or learn how to swim, enrollees are only allowed to register for one class per session.
- Registration received after the registration deadline will be processed by the date received in random order. We encourage residents to register early to secure enrollment!
Aquatic Late Registration Procedures
Late registration for swimming sessions will be held at the individual pools on the first day of classes unless otherwise indicated. Late registration is taken on a first-come, first-served basis. Please sign up at the pool in which you would like to take classes.
If you are placed on a waiting list, you will be notified if an opening becomes available. Notification may come as late as the start day of a class.
Our registration system verifies residency by a flat-file associated with a GIS (Geographical Information System). Check your residency status by visiting the Chandler Infomap. Unfortunately, customers living in County Islands are not eligible to receive resident registration privileges or rates. If you are charged a non-resident fee while completing your registration, we will be happy to re-verify your address. However, if we are unable to verify through our resources you will be asked to provide one, or more, of the following documents to verify residency: most recent year property tax bill or business license and check imprinted with a Chandler address.
The City of Chandler Aquatics Program offers fee assistance programs to help families or individuals in their efforts to learn to swim or participate in other aquatic program opportunities. Funding is limited and available through the American Red Cross Centennial Donation Fund. Other fee assistance opportunities are available.
A scholarship program is available to help economically disadvantaged individuals and families improve their quality of life through leisure opportunities. Scholarships are available for most youth sports, special interest classes, and swim lessons. The program is only available to Chandler residents who qualify but does not cover supply fees, instructor fees, or trip fees. Income verification is required. For an application and further eligibility information, please stop by the Recreation Services Desk located in Tumbleweed Recreation Center or call 480-782-2727.
Para obtener una solicitud y más información sobre elegibilidad, pase por el mostrador de servicios de recreación ubicado en Tumbleweed Recreation Center o llame al 480-782-2727.
Goodwill Scholarship Application (English) Goodwill Scholarship Application (Spanish)
Mayor's Committee for People with Disabilities offers a financial assistance program to Chandler residents with disabilities to pursue education, leisure or other meaningful interests. For more information, please call 480-782-2709.
If you are placed on a waiting list, you will be notified if an opening becomes available. Notification may come as late as the start day of a class.