Dr. A.J. Chandler Park Renovation

Project Number: CA2402 

Dr. A.J. Chandler Park is located in the heart of Downtown Chandler and is home to many of the city’s special events and festivals, including the Tumbleweed Tree Lighting and a weekly farmer’s market. The park was last renovated in 1986.

Downtown Chandler has changed significantly since that renovation, with the addition of multi-family housing, office space, and new retailers and restaurants. The park has also seen an increase in special events and entertainment with more than 100 events a year.

As a result of these changes, a new Master Plan was completed in 2017. Through extensive outreach and stakeholder involvement, numerous improvements to the park were identified including:

  • enhancements to the special events areas
  • a safer crosswalk at Arizona Avenue
  • installation or removal of failing infrastructure (water fountains, restrooms, landscaping/irrigation)
  • electrical and power needs and
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements.

This Park Master Plan was updated in 2024 to ensure it aligned with current needs and priorities and outlined a phased approach for improvements.

Phase 1 Improvements include the removal of end-of-life water features, increased shading for passive and active uses, updated landscaping and irrigation, activation of the east side of the park, comfortable areas for seating and gathering, new restrooms, enhanced event and programming space, and an improved crossing at Arizona Avenue, all while maintaining existing parking.

City Council awarded an agreement to Dig Studio for the Dr. A.J. Chandler Park Renovation Phase 1 Design Services at their meeting on Aug. 15, 2024. The project scope of work consists of demolition design for existing pavements, water features, and structures; design of new decorative hardscape plazas; public art relocation; and addition of extensive shade tree infrastructure, including below-ground soil improvements, event lawns, seasonal plazas with social activities, seating and site furniture, park lighting, power, a new restroom building, and Wi-Fi infrastructure.

Construction is expected to begin in the summer of 2025.