Chandler has held an annual Water Festival for over 18 years. The festival curriculum was established by Arizona Project Wet and provides Chandler 4th graders with a deeper understanding of water in the Earth systems, Arizona’s water resources, and water conservation through a curriculum unit driven by exploration and inquiry.
The program includes teacher professional development, in-class lesson plans to activate learning, and a two-day hands-on water festival with water professionals and community volunteers engaging students in activities on groundwater, watersheds, the water cycle, and water conservation technology.
Sponsorship donations are greatly appreciated as the contributions help us support nearly 130 volunteers who are needed to organize the event. The sponsorships provide breakfast, snacks, lunches, and transportation for volunteers. For each day of the festival, we need about 80+ volunteers to help coordinate buses, assist with activity rotations, teach the students activities and more.
We couldn’t support our volunteers without the generous support of our sponsors, and we couldn’t have a festival without our amazing volunteers. Our sponsors’ support is so important to Chandler’s Annual Water Festival. It has become a premier event that our students and teachers not only look forward to but remember for a lifetime.
Become a SponsorIf you are interested in becoming a sponsor simply select the Become a Sponsor button below. On the next page; make sure that the "Customer Number" is 06100 and the "Description of Payment" is WATER FESTIVAL DONATION. |
For more information, please contact Chandler’s Water Conservation at 480-782-3580.