Smart Water Controllers and Conservation

Efficiently watering and properly caring for your yard are essential components of responsible outdoor water use. With up to 70% of household water used outdoors, optimizing your irrigation system is important for maintaining a vibrant yard while conserving water. 

Living in Arizona is knowing that weather shifts dramatically and frequently, unlike other climates, yet homeowners only change their watering schedules a couple times a year.

Taking care of your yard requires adjusting your watering schedule regularly. Installing a smart controller can effortlessly and automatically adjust the frequency of watering for your landscape, keeping your yard healthy and water efficient.

Outdoor Water use and Before and After Using a Smart Water Controller

Modern controllers can adjust based on a number of factors, including plant type, water needs, temperature, rainfall and other site-specific conditions. Advanced controllers can even notify you via phone if you have an irrigation leak or valve stuck open. 

Smart controllers automatically adjust watering times and frequencies throughout the year with minimal human intervention. This technology has proven to help cut annual outdoor water use by 30% or more, reducing watering bills and helping to conserve our precious water supply. 

You can purchase a smart controller from your local irrigation supply or home improvement store. If you do, you may be eligible for a rebate of up to $250 from the City of Chandler

Other Ways to Water Wisely 

If a smart controller is not right for you, you can text WHENTOWATER to 1-844-416-1428 for free monthly watering schedule reminders. Some additional water-saving resources include:

Programs and Guidebooks

The City of Chandler Water Conservation Office provides free literature about ways to conserve water in your home and in your landscape to Chandler utility customers. View a digital copy of our Landscape Watering by the Numbers guide to help you save water at your home or business. 

Water Workshops

Chandler offers more than 20 free Water-Wise Workshops over the course of the year in both spring and fall. The workshops cover topics ranging from landscape care and design, vegetable gardening, outdoor watering, smart controllers, irrigation design, controller programming and Water 101. You can register for workshops online to reserve your spot. 

Request a Water Audit

City of Chandler water technician conducting a water audit

 If you feel like you’re doing everything right and are still using more water than you should, Chandler offers free Water Audits to assist in troubleshooting water issues. A technician will visit your home or business to check for hidden problems with water use.

Request a water audit


Apply for a Water Use Rebate

Xeriscape Yard

Chandler offers a grass to xeriscape rebate for $2 per SF of grass converted! This rebate program incentivizes removing grass and converting to low-water-use plants. The rebate is based on the amount of grass removed and the landscape installed and is limited to $3,000 per property.

Learn more about water rebates

*Source: Water Use It Wisely