The Chandler Park and Ride is located at the southwest corner of Germann and Hamilton Street. This facility has 460 parking spaces, and many are covered. The Local Route 112 and Express bus service to downtown Phoenix originates from this facility. The Route 112 bus connects to the light rail in Mesa. This facility enables people to carpool or vanpool.
The Paseo Trail is nearby, enabling commuters who live nearby to walk or ride their bike. Secure bike racks are located at the Park and Ride.
Carpooling is beneficial on an individual level and for your community as a whole. It can reduce air pollution while saving you money in the process.
Forming a Carpool
Call the first person on your list. Introduce yourself and explain the reason for your call.
Try to ARRANGE an informal meeting, near work or near home. At this meeting, or on the phone, go over the following points:
- Decide who's to drive and who's to ride and when!
- Arrange a convenient pick-up and drop-off point.
- Determine waiting time, radio stations and reimbursement for commuting costs.
- Trade phone numbers with everyone in the group - keep copies at work and home.
- Share insurance information. Have drivers check their insurance to be sure of adequate coverage; car-poolers should inquire about available insurance discounts.
Your Cost of Driving Alone {AAA driving cost is based on 15,000 miles driven per year.}
Monthly Drive Alone Cost = Your daily round trip mileage ______
x 21 work days/month
x .56 cents (cost per mile) = $ _______
Carpool Guidelines
Once your carpool is formed, remember the following guidelines to keep things running smoothly:
- Be on time. Don't keep people waiting if you know you're going to be late. Let everyone know you'll be making other arrangements to get to work.
- Agree on an alternative plan in the event that the driver is unavailable.
- Gas up your car ahead of time for the round trip.
- Resist making detours for personal errands, such as stopping at the store on the way home.
- Smoking is always a sensitive issue. Establish smoking policies at the beginning and be sensitive to others' preferences.
If a member of your carpool drops out or if you would like to change poolers or join a vanpool and save even more money, call: 602-262-RIDE
- Covered parking
- Covered waiting areas
- Drinking fountain
- Lockable bike cover
- Two free EV charging stations
- Covered waiting areas
- Drinking fountains
- Lockable bike covers