Chandler Flex | City of Chandler

Chandler Flex

Get affordable, on-demand rides to commute or get to school without breaking the bank. 

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Chandler Flex QR Code

Chandler Flex Mobile App and Vehicle

Students ride FREE to and from school.

Get on-demand, convenient and affordable rides in southwest Chandler.

Chandler Flex Zone Map

Chandler Flex is the city’s on-demand, public transportation service. That means you’ll be able to request a shared ride when you need it, using a mobile app or by calling in. Book your ride quickly and easily, and get picked up in a branded vehicle. Commute, get to after school activities, and get around anywhere in the service zone without needing a car.



  • Single ride: $2
  • Extra passengers: $1 each
  • Middle and high school students (13-19 years old) with a valid student ID ride for free to and from school.
  • Seniors (65+) and wheelchair-accessible riders ride for $1 per ride.


Wheelchair-accessible vehicles are available on demand. Tap the accessibility icon in your profile to be able to request wheelchair vehicles.


Easy Ways to Pay:

Credit or debit card only.


Service Hours:

Monday - Friday | 5:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Flex Observed Holidays (No service)
Holiday Date Day of Week
New Years Day Jan. 1 Wednesday
Memorial Day May 26 Monday
Independence Day July 4 Friday
Labor Day Sept. 1 Monday
Thanksgiving Nov. 27 Thursday
Christmas Dec. 25 Thursday
New Years Day Jan. 1 Thursday
Other Holidays (Limited service: 7a.m. to 7 p.m.)
Holiday Date Day of Week
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Jan. 20 Monday
President’s Day Feb. 17 Monday
Spring Holiday April 18 Friday
Juneteenth June 19 Thursday
Veterans Day Nov. 11 Tuesday
Day After Thanksgiving Nov. 28 Friday
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Jan. 19 Monday

How to ride Chandler Flex

3 easy steps to get on board in no time.

Mobile App Create an Account

1. Create an account

Download the Chandler Flex app from your preferred app store and follow the simple signup steps.

Download on the App Store Get it on Google Play
Mobile App Book a Ride

2. Book a ride

Enter your pickup and dropoff address.  Choose the ride that works for you by tapping Book This Ride.  

*Tap the accessibility icon in your profile to be able to request wheelchair vehicles.

Mobile App Meet Your Driver

3. Meet your driver

Check out the app to find out exactly where to meet the vehicle. It may be a short walk from where you are, but it makes the journey faster.

No smartphone? No problem!
Book a ride by calling 602-932-0291.

Chandler Flex Stats July 2022 to July 2024

Take your first ride today.

Any questions? Call us at 602-932-0291 or email us at
Chandler Flex Vehicle

Want to drive for us?

Predictable earnings, flexible schedule.
Earn up to $24/hour while driving with Via.
Ready to join our global community of Driver Partners?

Apply Now
Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, simply call 602-932-0291 and we’ll assist you over the phone.

Sure! You can book for up to five additional passengers. 

We’ll assign you a “virtual bus stop” where you’ll meet the vehicle, usually at a nearby corner or no more than a block away. Check the app for directions and follow your driver’s progress in real-time so you know exactly when to head to your stop.

  • Single ride: $2
  • Extra passengers: $1 each
  • Middle and high school students (13-18 years old) with a valid student ID ride for free to and from school. 
  • Seniors (65+) and wheelchair accessible riders ride for $1 per ride.

Yes, you can cancel your ride directly from the app or by calling customer service at 602-932-0291. Remember, canceling at the last minute can negatively impact other riders, so remember to cancel as soon you know that you don’t need a ride.

Re-book directly in your app, and then send an email explaining what happened to You won’t be charged for this ride.

All vehicles are branded with Chandler Flex's logo and colors, so they should be easy to spot.

Yes! Please let us know you need a wheelchair accessible vehicle when you book your ride by tapping your profile picture or image at the top of the app menu and tapping the Wheelchair Accessibility toggle to turn it on. This will also unlock door to door service.

Once you start a ride, the destination cannot be changed. If you have not yet boarded the vehicle, you can cancel the ride and re-book with a new destination.

Yes. Tap the Favorites tab in the app menu, then tap Set Home Address, Set Work Address, or create and name a new favorite.

These are locations we believe will be popular origins and destinations for rides. Select them to easily choose where you need to go to or from.

Feel free to fill out the feedback screen in the app after your ride.

No. Our drivers do not accept tips.

Open the app and select “Get Started.” In the password box, select “Forgot your password?” and follow the prompts.

Please email us at with a description of the missing item.

Please contact us at or by calling our support line at 602-932-0291 to report a complaint. Be sure to include as much information as possible and we’ll do our best to help.

General Policies

Chandler Flex's service is powered by Via. Via has a strict Zero Tolerance policy. Driver partners are prohibited from driving on the Via Platform while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and riders are prohibited from consuming alcohol or drugs inside the vehicle. We do not tolerate inappropriate, threatening or violent behavior by anyone using the Via Platform or towards any riders or driver partners. If you are a rider and observe or believe any of the following, please ask the driver to terminate the trip immediately: your driver may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, your driver is behaving in a manner that you consider inappropriate or that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, or your driver engages in conduct which could be considered unlawful or illegal.

If you feel that you are in imminent danger, please contact the police directly by calling 911. After the ride has concluded, please provide feedback using the Chandler Flex app, reply to the text message confirmation of your ride, email us at to report the issue, or call us at the Live Support number, 602-932-0291.

Via does not tolerate discrimination of any kind against our riders or driver partners. This includes discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religious belief or affiliation, gender, sex, sexual identity or orientation, age, veteran status, physical, mental or other disability (actual or perceived), rider’s points of departure and destination, or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal or state law.

Additionally, Via does not tolerate discrimination of any kind against service animals. Riders or driver partners found to have violated Via’s anti-discrimination policy will lose access to the Via Platform. If you believe that you have been subject to discrimination by a rider or driver partner, please provide feedback in the review function of the Chandler Flex app or email us at

Smoking of any kind is prohibited, including e-cigarettes, vaporizers, or smokeless cigarettes.

We know that you are on the go, but please help us keep our vehicles clean and fresh and avoid bringing food and drink in our cars, when possible. Please also be mindful that smelly food can be distracting and unpleasant for your fellow passengers. All drinks should have lids and drinking alcohol or carrying open containers of alcohol in our vehicles is not allowed.

Please remember your fellow passengers might not be interested in your phone conversations. We ask that you limit phone calls to quick logistics and emergencies during shared rides.

Our service vehicles are a shared space, and as such we ask everyone to limit any personal items to a single piece of luggage or a reasonably-sized bag. 

Licensed service animals are welcome to ride in our vehicles without restrictions. Non-service animals are also allowed, but must be in a pet carrier specifically designed to transport animals. The carrier may not be opened in the van, must be leak-proof and well ventilated, and be small enough to fit on the owner's lap or on the floor space in the immediate area of the owner without blocking other passengers.

Riders must be 13 years of age or older. Children under the age of 13 can ride when accompanied by a parent or guardian. Riders 13-17 must have parental consent to use service. We will not supply car seats, but riders traveling with children who require them may bring their own. Riders are responsible for securing any such car seat and for ensuring that it fits all legal requirements.