Chandler takes pride in having clean, beautiful neighborhoods free from graffiti. When graffiti is reported to the city, our dedicated graffiti buster will remove it within 24 hours.
Report Graffiti
There are several ways to report graffiti in your community:
When reporting graffiti, it’s important to give the specific location (cross streets/side of the street/corner) to help our team quickly locate the graffiti for timely removal.

Community Education
Our team is dedicated to educating our community about the impact of graffiti, its history, how to report it, and more. In addition, we bring our graffiti truck to display our tools of the trade. The presentation typically lasts 45 minutes. If you’re interested in having a presentation at your school or neighborhood meeting, please complete the request form below. The public may also contact our Graffiti Hotline at 480-782-4322 with questions.