Become a Landlord

Become a Landlord

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8), Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV), Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) landlord. We've made it easy to get started. Simply complete the Landlord Interest Form if you are interested in posting your rental on the Affordable Housing site.

Landlord Interest Form

Steps in Leasing Your Property

  • Landlord interviews, screens, and selects a Chandler Housing Program participant.
  • Landlord approves the tenant; the landlord and tenant complete the Chandler Landlord packet.
  • The Chandler Landlord Packet is returned to Chandler Housing by either the family or the landlord.
  • A Chandler Housing Specialist will determine if the family is eligible for the unit.
  • Once determined eligible, Chandler Housing will verify that the tenant's income qualifies for the unit and a Housing Quality Standards Inspection is scheduled within 14 working days.
  • Chandler Housing will conduct a rent reasonableness survey to determine if the requested rent amount is reasonable to comparable unassisted units in the same geographical area. Chandler Housing will not approve a rental amount that exceeds market rates.
  • Once the unit passes the HQS inspection, the rent is deemed "reasonable" and the move-in date is established, the landlord and tenant sign the lease and provide a copy to Chandler Housing.
    • Important: The tenant should not sign a lease for the unit until it passes initial inspection, and all required paperwork is signed and approved, Chandler Housing will not pay any rent for a unit until the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract is signed by both Chandler Housing and the landlord. 
  • The Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract will be prepared by the Chandler Housing Office. Please note payment will not be made until after both Chandler Housing and the landlord sign the HAP contract.
  • The landlord and tenant will both be notified in writing regarding how much rent is to be paid by the tenant and how much will be paid by Chandler Housing on the family's behalf.

If you have any questions, contact our office at 480-782-3200.