2024-2025 Housing Income Limits

Effective: April 1, 2024
Use the chart below to determine your housing income limit for the FY 2024-2025 for Maricopa County: Phoenix, Mesa, Scottsdale, and Arizona MSA.

Median Income: $101,300

Classification1 person2 person3 person4 person
Extremely Low (30 %)$21,600$24,700$27,800$31,200
Very Low (50%)$36,000$41,100$46,300$51,400
Low (80%)$57,600$65,800$74,050$82,250


Classification5 person6 person7 person8 person
Extremely Low (30 %)$36,580$41,960$47,340 $52,720
Very Low (50%)$55,550$59,650$63,750$67,850
Low (80%)$88,850$95,450$102,000$108,600

*Note: Income Limits may not equal exactly 30%, 50%, or 80% of the Median Family Income due to the application of ceilings and floors.

Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) 

In order to be income-eligible, the annual income of an applicant must be ONE of the following:

  1. Within the very low (50%) income
  2. A low-income family that has been "continuously assisted" under the 1937 Housing Act. A family is considered to be continuously assisted if the family is already receiving assistance under any 1937 Housing Act program at the time the family is admitted to the HCV program [24 CFR 982.4]
  3. A low-income family that qualifies for voucher assistance as a non-purchasing household living in HOPE 1 (public housing homeownership), HOPE 2 (multifamily housing homeownership) programs covered by 24 CFR 248.173
  4. A low-income or moderate-income family that is displaced as a result of the prepayment of a mortgage or voluntary termination of a mortgage insurance contract on eligible low-income housing as defined in 24 CFR 248.101

Targeting Requirement-HUD requires that extremely low-income (ELI) families make up at least 75% of the families admitted to the HCV program during the PHA’s fiscal year.

Public Housing

To be income eligible, the annual income of an applicant must be within the low-income limit (80%)

Targeting Requirement-HUD requires that extremely low-income (ELI) families make up at least 40% of the families admitted to public housing during the PHA’s fiscal year.