Community Needs Assessment

Community input group

Chandler convened a community-wide Community Needs Assessment (CNA) process to identify ways to better serve the community now and in the future. The purpose of the CNA is to:

  • Determine the human service needs of Chandler residents, including those who are low- and moderate-income;
  • Identify barriers and gaps that prevent Chandler residents from accessing resources and services;
  • Provide validated data for current and future planning needs; and
  • Begin to garner community input for the 2020 Five-Year Consolidated Plan required as part of Chandler’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) entitlement.

The CNA will be used to provide a community-informed approach to prioritizing federal and local resources and the development of the City of Chandler Five-Year Consolidated Plan. The Consolidated Plan is a comprehensive review of the City’s housing and community development characteristics and needs, an inventory of resources available to meet those needs, a five-year strategy for the use of those resources, and a one-year Action Plan (updated annually) that presents specific activities in which to implement the strategy.