Common Forms
- Application for Set Aside Conviction
- Case Status Statement
- Certificate of Second Chance
- Defendant Financial Statement and Affidavit
- Exhibit Submission
- General Motion
- Petition to Expunge
- Records Request Form | Spanish
- Request for Hearing
- Telephonic Arraignment Instructions
- Notice of Appeal
- Petition to Seal Criminal Case Record
- Petition to Vacate Eligible Monetary Obligations
- Arizona Revised Statutes
- Arizona Supreme Court Forms and Instructions in Spanish
- AzCourtHelp, a statewide virtual legal resource center, offers free assistance to all people who have legal information questions or need assistance in resolving disputes.
- Attorney Resources
- Bond Card
- Chandler Municipal Code
- Pay Delinquent Court Fines
- Pay your delinquent court fines using Arizona Courts Online Payment, or call toll-free at 1-866-859-2527. You must have the delinquent notice number to pay online or by phone.
- Screening & Counseling Resources