CHANDLER, Ariz - Chandler residents are invited to join Mayor Kevin Hartke for a fun and leisurely bike ride along the scenic Paseo Trail during the 17th annual Chandler Family Bike Ride. The event takes place Saturday, April 5 at Chandler’s Park & Ride lot, 2100 S. Hamilton St., which is on the southwest corner of Germann and Hamilton streets in Tumbleweed Park. The theme this year is neon – wear your best, brightest cycling attire.
This 7.8-mile ride is held in conjunction with Valley Bike Month (April). Check-in and activities begin at 7:30 a.m. The bike ride will start promptly at 8:30 a.m. Riders, guided by the Chandler Police Bike Team, will bike along the Paseo Trail north to Tibshraeny Park, and back. Upon return, cyclists can enjoy a free Kona Ice to celebrate.
All Family Bike Ride participants will receive a free t-shirt (while supplies last). Pre-ride activities include bike and body decorating stations, plus free face painting. Be sure to stop by community partner vendor tables for information on bicycle safety, transit services, and more!
“I am looking forward to this year’s annual Family Bike Ride,” Mayor Hartke said. “It is always such a fun event, and a great way to join with others who share in the love of cycling. It also gives everyone the opportunity to experience the Paseo Trail, a key connector for cyclists in our community.”
All participants are asked to pre-register online. While we encourage creativity and fun, safety remains our top priority. Participants are required to wear helmets, and asked to obey traffic laws, and stay hydrated throughout the ride.
If you’re not able to attend the community event or would rather ride in the comfort of your own neighborhood or park, the city will also offer a virtual bike event from April 5 through April 13. Grab your family and friends and ride anytime during the weeklong event. Virtual riders who pre-register will receive a free t-shirt, while supplies last.
The Chandler Family Bike Ride is presented by the city’s Transportation Policy Division, with support from various city departments. We thank this year’s Chandler Family Bike Ride partners: SRP, Global Bikes, Chandler SCHEELS, Phoenix Children’s Hospital, and Valley Metro.
For more information, contact Nancy Jackson at 480-782-3442.
Media contact:
Jennifer Honea
Public Information Officer