WHAT: The City of Chandler will host an installation ceremony to swear in three councilmembers: OD Harris, Christine Ellis and Jennifer Hawkins. Councilmembers are elected to serve a four-year term. A farewell ceremony will be held for Mark Stewart in recognition of his eight years of service on the City Council.
WHEN: Thursday, Jan. 9. A reception will start at 4:30 and the farewell ceremony and Council installation will begin at 6 p.m.
WHERE: The reception will be held at the Vision Gallery, 10 E. Chicago St. The Vision Gallery is located on the first floor of Chandler City Hall. The swearing in will take place inside the City Council Chambers, 88 E. Chicago St.
Free parking is available at the City Hall Garage, 240 S. Washington St. Surface lot parking around City Hall also is free.
WHO: Incumbents OD Harris and Christine Ellis, along with newly elected Jennifer Hawkins will join Mayor Kevin Hartke and Councilmembers Matt Orlando, Jane Poston and Angel Encinas on the City Council. Mark Stewart, who will be sworn in as Maricopa County Supervisor on Jan. 6, will be recognized for his City Council service.
This installation will result in the most women (3) in Chandler’s history to serve on the City Council at the same time.
HOW: The public is invited to attend and are encouraged to RSVP online at chandleraz.gov/Installation.
The ceremony will be live streamed on the City's website at chandleraz.gov/video, and Chandler’s YouTube channel – youtube.com/cityofchandler. The event also will be broadcast locally on Cox Communications Channel 11 and Orbital Cable Channel 20 (Sun Lakes).