CHANDLER, Ariz. — During the Dec. 12 City Council Meeting, the Chandler City Council adopted a resolution to approve a development agreement with Brinshore Development, LLC, to co-develop an existing 50-year-old, eight-acre public housing site located at 73 S. Hamilton St.
The property will be re-branded to The Haven on Hamilton and will consist of a multi-family housing project with 250 housing units, including a mix of one-, two-, three-, four- and five-bedroom units. The project also will include a park area and oversized central community center with multi-generational community rooms, gym, gathering spaces and Head Start classroom.
Ninety of the units will be reserved for families at existing sites, leaving 160 new Low-Income Housing Tax Credit units for the community. Seniors, persons with disabilities and veterans will be given priority to reside at this new housing site. The groundbreaking will take place in late 2026, once the 90 families are relocated into the completed Villas on McQueen property. The Haven on Hamilton is expected to be completed in late 2028.
Funding for The Haven on Hamilton will be provided using a variety of county, state and federal programs. No funds from the city’s General Fund will be used.
As part of this approved resolution, the Mayor and City Council also authorized city staff to continue pursuing the highest and best use of Chandler’s remaining public housing sites, which are located at 210 N. McQueen Road; 130 N. McQueen Road; 127 N. Kingston St. and 660 S. Palm Lane. This repositioning of the city’s public housing stock will help modernize its aging facilities to create additional affordable housing options for families and seniors.
Media contact:
Stephanie Romero
Public Information Officer, City of Chandler