The City of Chandler offers a free texting service for customers and contractors to schedule construction inspections and receive results via text messaging.
The number to text is 844-281-3520.
To schedule a request, text the command "schedule, S, or SCHED" and the following information with spaces in between:
- permit number
- inspection code
- date you want to schedule it for
For example, to schedule an Above Ceiling inspection for permit number BLD19-0119 on Feb. 14, text S bld190119 712 2/14. You will receive a text back acknowledging receipt. The reply will consist of your address, inspection request and the date. You can respond with a note to the inspector and confirm the inspection.
For inspection result requests, text the command (r, result, results) along with the permit number with spaces in between. Example: r bld190119
To cancel or reschedule an inspection: type in a command (c, can, cancel, canc, reschedule, resched) followed by the permit number and inspection code with spaces in between. For example, to cancel an inspection for permit number EPM196001, text c epm196001.
Shortcuts to Make Scheduling with Just One Text Easier
To schedule an inspection: Text: S, permit number, three-digit inspection code, date to 844-281-3520 Example: S BLD200000 70110/12 | To cancel an inspection: Text: C, permit number, three-digit inspection code to 844-281-3520 Example: C BLD200000 701 | To reschedule an inspection: Text: RESCHED, permit number, three-digit inspection code to 844-281-3520 Example: RESCHED BLD200000 701 | To get results of an inspection: Text: RESULT, permit number to 844-281-3520 Example: RESULT BLD200000 |
Inspections also can be scheduled online at Development Permits. For additional questions or information, contact Development Services staff at 480-782-3000.
Building Inspection Codes
700 Footing
701 Stem Wall
702 Basement Wall
703 Basement Pre Back Fill
704 Basement Slab
705 Retaining Wall Reinforced
706 Piers/Columns
707 Pre-Slab (SOG & PT)
708 Tilt Panels
709 Strap & Shear
710 Lath
711 GWB/Dry Wall
712 Above Ceiling
713 Rough Frame
714 Masonry
715 Structural Steel
716 Roof Frame
717 Structural Special
718 Structural Other
719 Structural Final
720 Rough HVAC
721 Exhaust Duct
722 Fire & Smoke Dampers
723 Smoke Exhaust System
724 Mechanical Special
725 Mechanical Other
726 Mechanical Final
729 U/G Gas
730 U/G Water Piping
731 Building Drain
732 Building Sewer/Tap
733 Rough Plumbing/Topout
734 Water Service
735 Rough Gas Piping Test
736 Final Gas Piping Test
737 Haz Mat Gas Systems
738 Secondary Cont Piping
739 Process Piping
740 Roof Drains
741 Irrigation Sprinklers
742 Water Heater Changeout
743 Plumbing Special
744 Plumbing Other
745 Plumbing Final and Water Meter Verified
746 Gas Final
750 Construction Power Install
751 Grounding Electrode
752 U/G Electric
753 SES Equipment
754 Rough Electric
755 Switchgear/Panelboards
756 Equipment Install
757 Electrical Special
758 Electrical Other
759 Electrical Final
760 Fire Sprinkler Visual
761 Fire Sprinkler OPT - 200#
762 Fire Sprinkler Alarm Test
763 Fire Alarm System Visual
764 Fire Alarm System Test
765 Kitchen Suppression Test
766 Fire Caulking
767 Suppression System Special
768 Fire Protection Special
769 Fire Protection Other
770 Fire Protection Final
601 Pre-Gunite: Site Location; Reinforcement; Electrical/Bounding; Pool Plumbing 35-pound Test
602 Pool/Spa Underground Gas Line
603 Pool/Spa Gas Final
604 Pool Other
605 Pre-Plaster/Final Inspection
606 Pool Barrier Installed
780 Courtesy
781 Code Investigation
782 Certificate of Occupancy
783 Certificate of Completion
784 Demolition
785 Gas Clearance
786 Electrical Clearance
787 Onsite Meeting
788 Miscellaneous Other
789 Solar Installations
799 Final
Civil Engineering Inspection Codes
400 Civil Preconstruction Meeting
405 Drainage - Structures
406 Drainage - Pipes
407 Drainage - Drywell
410 Sanitary Sewer - Structures
411 Sanitary Sewer - Pipe
412 Sanitary Sewer - Pressure/Mandrel test/Cleaning/Video
420 Reclaimed Water
421 Water - Fire
422 Water - Potable
423 Water - Pressure Test
435 Grading
440 Dry Utilities
450 Concrete
460 Paving - Subgrade
461 Paving - Base Course
462 Paving - Finish Course
463 Paving - Repair/Patch
470 Landscape (non-medians)
475 Median Landscape (Arterial Only)
480 Street Lights
481 Small Wireless Facility
485 Civil Courtest Inspection
490 Civil Misc. (City Use Only)
491 Civil - Preliminary/Temporary C.O. Inspection
492 Civil - As-Built Plan Review
493 Civil - Attend Site meeting
499 Civil - Final Inspection