Teen Leadership Academy Application

Applications for the first 25 participants will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Mailing Address (Applicant must live Chandler)
I am committed to attending all of the academy
I am currently enrolled in high school or similar level home-school program
I am a Chandler resident
I have transportation to and from City Hall Complex for the program
I have a strong work ethic and willingness to learn about the city
Please attach a short essay (500 words max) of why you want to attend the Teen Leadership Academy and what you would like to work to improve for teens in the greater Chandler community.
Upload requirements

I commit to being a partner in my child’s participation in this program. I will ensure that he/she has adequate transportation and I will encourage my child to be punctual and attend all sessions. I give permission that any photo or video taken of my child can be used by the City of Chandler.
By selecting and submitting, I certify that I am the parent/guardian of the applicant, and give my permission for the applicant to participate in the Teen Leadership Academy as described.

All city records are subject to the State of Arizona public records law. Please note that any correspondence, such as application forms, e-mails or letters, sent to city officials or staff becomes public record and is available for public/media review.

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