Tumbleweed Tree Lighting & Parade of Lights kicks off the holidays in Chandler

Music of the season. A festive and glittery parade. A visit by a jolly old elf from the North. A holiday tradition with a distinctive Southwestern flavor. These are just some of the sights and sounds you will experience when you come to Downtown Chandler on Saturday, Dec. 7, for Chandler’s annual holiday Parade of Lights and 68th Annual Tumbleweed Tree Lighting.
The activities start in Dr. A.J. Chandler Park at 4:30 p.m. with musical performances, craft and food vendors, photos with Santa and other family entertainment. At 6:45 p.m., the Parade of Lights moves north down Arizona Avenue from Frye Road to Erie Street.
Every vehicle and group in the parade will be creatively decorated and lit up with holiday lights. Immediately after the parade at 8 p.m. will be the annual lighting of Chandler’s Tumbleweed Tree, the only one of its kind in the Southwest.
Chandler Fire to hold annual toy drive event, plus more ways to donate through Dec. 14
The Chandler Fire Department will hold its annual toy drive on Sunday, Dec. 8 from 2 - 8 p.m. All donations will be distributed to Chandler children in need. The event takes place at the Chandler Fashion Center, in front of the south-facing entry point in the valet parking area near the food court.
Anyone who donates new and unwrapped toys will get to ride on the fire truck. Drive-up, drop-off only toy donations will also be accepted by following the signs in the valet parking area.
Chandler Fire will also be trying to “Stuff the Fire Truck” with donated toys at the Tumbleweed Tree Lighting on Saturday, Dec. 7 from 4:30 - 9 p.m.
In addition, toys can be dropped off from Nov. 16 through Dec. 14 at all Chandler Fire Stations and the Fire Administration Building located at 151 E. Boston St. Gift cards will only be accepted at the Fire Administration Building.
Or, you can use the Amazon Wish List to make a donation.
Choose Chandler this holiday season
We encourage you to support your Chandler business community by shopping local and shopping early this holiday season. Launched by the city’s Economic Development Division, the #ChooseChandler initiative is about choosing Chandler businesses first. Keep in mind that every time you make a purchase at a local business, you’re not just helping that individual business. It’s a fact that $43 out of every $100 spent at a Chandler business gets recirculated back into our local economy to stimulate jobs, improve community infrastructure and provide services to maintain Chandler’s high quality of life.
And it all starts with a single purchase — from day-to-day purchases like a meal at the neighborhood eatery, new clothes from your favorite boutique, weekly groceries and even those more infrequent purchases like a new car — they all add up.
Follow @VisitChandler on Instagram and Facebook for holiday-themed giveaways, profiles and information on how you can support local business and make lasting memories here in Chandler.
ChangeUp:Change a life by changing the way you give

Have you seen our ChangeUp signs around Chandler? The signs are placed along city streets to promote the ChangeUp program that offers residents another way to give to people experiencing homelessness.
Instead of giving spare change to a panhandler, you can make real, long-term changes through ChangeUp. All proceeds go directly to services to help end homelessness in our city. Getting people off the streets as soon as possible makes a huge difference to their long-term success.
Donating is easy. Text “ChangeUp” to 44-321 to make a one-time or monthly donation of any amount — even a $1 helps. By donating to ChangeUp, be assured that your contribution is working directly to support long-term solutions to end homelessness in Chandler.
Flood zones in Chandler
Several small areas in Chandler are located in what is commonly referred to as the 100-year floodplain. These areas are generally adjacent to canal banks and railroad track embankments where water ponds can develop during periods of heavy rainfall.
To determine whether your property is located in a floodplain, visit Floodplains in Chandler to find a link to Maricopa County Flood Control District. This site provides the current effective floodplain map and additional resources including available Elevation Certificates and Flood Hazard Identification Studies. Currently, there is an active study, the Tempe Area Drainage Master Study (ADMS), in which west Chandler is included, to assess flooding in this region.
The City of Chandler participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) through the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). As a participant of the NFIP, the city adopted Floodplain Management Resolution 5004 and has established development requirements consistent with federal criteria.
Flood insurance is available to almost everyone from the federal government’s NFIP. Most homeowners’ policies do not cover flood losses. Contact your insurance agent concerning such coverage. More information regarding flood protection is available from FEMA at fema.gov or floodsmart.gov. Construction within flood zones is tightly regulated. Permits are required for any building or site alterations to ensure maximum protection against flooding is maintained.
The Downtown Chandler Library has a reference collection that includes several FEMA publications, which are available for public review; many are available for public distribution, and some are available in e-book format. Also, the Library has current FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps and Studies for Maricopa County and incorporated areas. Call the Chandler Public Library at 480-782-2800.
To report illegal dumping/discharges into streets or storm drains, or standing water or flooding issues in Chandler, please call 480-782-3503. Staff can provide property assistance visits to assist you to evaluate and mitigate ponding and flooding issues. Visit chandleraz.gov (search floodplains) to download the Property Owner’s Manual for Stormwater Management (PDF) for information and requirements for stormwater collection systems. For more information on flood zones including floodways, flood studies and depths and historic flooding, call 480-782-3300 or visit Development Services, located at 215 E. Buffalo St.
City offices will be closed Monday, Nov. 11, for Veterans Day; Thursday and Friday Nov. 28-29 for Thanksgiving; Wednesday, Dec. 25 for Christmas Day; Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2025 for New Year’s Day. Please visit chandleraz.gov for additional details.
• There WILL be changes to the collection schedule the week of Thanksgiving:
• Trash and recycling will be picked up as normal on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
• Trash and recycling are NOT collected on Thanksgiving Day.
• If your regular collection day is Thursday, place your container out on Friday.
•If your regular collection day is Friday, place your container out on Saturday.
• Trash and recycling are not collected on Christmas Day or New Year’s Day which fall on Wednesdays this year.
• Trash and recycling will be picked up as usual on Monday and Tuesday for those two weeks.
• Trash and recycling are NOT collected on Christmas or New Year’s Day.
• If your regular collection day is Wednesday, place your container out on Thursday
• If your regular collection day is Thursday, place your container out on Friday.
• If your regular collection day is Friday, place your container out on Saturday.
To ensure trash and recycling pick-up, please remember to place your can at the curb by 6 a.m. on your day of collection or after 6 p.m. the evening before.
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