May is Water Safety Month

Drownings are 100% preventable. The month of May is Water Safety Month and Chandler Aquatics, Fire and Police are pooling together to walk door-to-door delivering water safety information to Chandler households. The annual Water Safety Walk will take place on Saturday, May 4. The City of Chandler invites you to turn the tide on drownings in our community.
To volunteer, email Chandler Fire, call 480-782-2120, or sign up at Water Safety Walk. Please swim safely and follow the ABCs of water safety: Adult Supervision, Barriers, and Classes (CPR and swim lessons).
Rain and warmer weather brings weeds

With the changing seasons, many types of vegetation grow quickly in lawns, alleyways and empty lots throughout the city. That means Chandler residents and property owners should be ready to clean up areas they are responsible for maintaining.
The Chandler Property Maintenance ordinance states property owners or persons in control of any private property are responsible for maintaining their entire premises, ensuring it is free from uncontrolled, unmaintained or overgrown grass or weeds. This includes those areas between the property line and the street. Owners are also responsible for maintenance to the center of their alleys. These areas include one-half (1/2) of the width of abutting alleys from the property line to the center of the alley. Also, keep in mind vegetation should not obstruct public rights-of-way, including streets, sidewalks, signs, fire hydrants and traffic signals. Tree limbs must be maintained to hang no lower than fifteen (15) feet above any public street or alleyway and eight (8) feet above any public sidewalk.
The city has a Tool Lending Program offering basic yard tools that residents may borrow to clean up their property. Or if you know a senior resident, person with a disability, veteran or family experiencing hardship, assistance may be available under the Let’s Pull Together program. To learn more email Neighborhood Programs or call 480-782-4348. Report a code violation or obtain more information online or use Public Stuff (the city’s mobile phone app) or call or text 480-782-4320.
As the weather heats up ...
Leave bees alone
The Chandler Fire Department advises residents to leave bees alone, and they’ll leave you alone. Bees are sensitive to noise, such as power equipment and barking dogs and may attack pets or people in the area. Generally, a swarm of bees will only stay in a location for an average of 24 hours. Take the necessary precautions to prevent disturbing them, and contact a beekeeper or exterminator if they appear to be staying longer.
If bees have made their home in the city-owned water meter, city-owned water valve boxes or around a fire hydrant, the city will take responsibility for their removal. This is the only instance in which the city will remove bees on private property. To determine if the city should be involved, contact Water Distribution at 480-782-3706.
Cool off in Chandler pools this summer
Did you know, Chandler has six pools and aquatic centers? Five are scheduled to open in May, and one will open in June:
- Arrowhead Pool — 1475 W. Erie St.
- Desert Oasis Aquatic Center — 1400 W. Summit Place
- Folley Pool — 600 E. Fairview St.
- Hamilton Aquatic Center — 3838 S. Arizona Ave.
- Mesquite Groves Aquatic Center — 5901 S. Hillcrest Drive
(Expected to open in June) - Nozomi Aquatic Center — 250 S. Kyrene Road
Find opening schedules and hours of operation, or call 480-782-2350 for more information.
Enjoy movies under the stars

It’s movie season! Enjoy the return of the popular movie series, CinePark, at Tumbleweed Park. Pack a picnic, grab a blanket, and get ready to watch free, family-friendly flicks on a giant screen on three consecutive Friday evenings: May 3, 10 and 17.
Come enjoy movie-themed activities prior to the show starting at 6:30 p.m., movies begin promptly at 8 p.m.
Movie Schedule:
Movies begin at 8 p.m.
Friday, May 3
The Super Mario Bros. Movie
Friday, May 10
Trolls Band Together
Friday, May 17
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
Earth Day is April 22 — see what you can do to help protect our planet
Earth Day is April 22, but residents should think about protecting our environment every day. With the changing weather, many residents are taking time to clean their homes, garages, sheds and yards. The city provides many safe and convenient ways to dispose of items properly:
- Leftover paint, pesticides, oil, antifreeze, pool chemicals, rechargeable batteries and other household hazardous waste chemicals should be disposed of properly. DO NOT place these items down the drain, in the street, alley or in your recycling or trash can. Residents may schedule an appointment to bring these items to the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility by calling 480-782-3510.
- If you have items that are too large to fit in a curbside or alley trash container, you may need a bulk materials pickup. Residents paying for city-provided solid waste services can call 480-782-3510 to schedule curbside bulk pick up collection.
- The Recycling-Solid Waste Collection Center is available to residents for the disposal of recycling and trash items, including many items that cannot be picked-up through regular collection. Please visit or 480-782-3510 for details prior to your visit.
- Residents should only place items accepted in Chandler’s recycling program curbside blue recycling containers. Items should not be bagged, but placed in the can loosely. New items have been added, find out if items are accepted for recycling in Chandler. If in doubt, throw it out or call Solid Waste Services for disposal options.
- Residents with smartphones or tablets can use the Recycle Coach app as a way see the schedule and set reminders for recycling and trash collection. The search feature will tell you if the item is recyclable or how to dispose of the material.
- City offices will be closed Monday, May 27, for the Memorial Day holiday. Trash and recycling collection will not be affected.
- Our employees are the engine that makes our Community of Innovation run. Are you ready to join the team? Visit
3 CinePark: May Movie Series, Tumbleweed Park, 480-782-2735
4 Dive in Movie, Hamilton Aquatic Center, 480-782-2630
4 Mental Health Event, Location TBD, 480-782-2224
9, 23 City Council meeting, Council Chambers, 480-782-2181
10 CinePark: May Movie Series, Tumbleweed Park, 480-782-2735
11 You Look Marvelous Fashion Show, Center for the Arts, 480-782-2742
17 Community Nights: Summer Olympic Games, Kyrene del Pueblo Middle School, 480-782-2905
17 CinePark: May Movie Series, Tumbleweed Park, 480-782-2735
18 Art Social: Block Printing, Vision Gallery, 480-782-2695
19 Classic Albums Live: Billy Joel’s The Stranger, Center for the Arts, 480-782-2680
27 Memorial Day, City offices closed
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