The City understands the importance of finding the best most efficient vehicles of all City uses. Electric vehicles are a great resource to add as a tool to our City fleet. However, current technology limits the ability to convert 100% of the City fleet to electric. The City fleet consists of a wide range of vehicles, from heavy duty equipment, to the average daily driver. Finding the best mix of hybrid, electric, and gasoline powered vehicles is the challenge.
The City received a grant from Salt River Project (SRP) to conduct a fleet assessment. This analysis will provide the City a roadmap to find the most efficient vehicle for every job a City vehicle is asked to do. It is anticipated that this assessment will be completed by June 2023 and will be implemented in FY 23/24.
The next challenge find the best location to install electric vehicle charging stations. Currently, the City owns 25 charging stations. In downtown Chandler, 16 stations are open to the public near Dr. A.J. Chandler Park, City-owned parking garages and the Downtown Chandler Library. Nine other stations are used specifically for the City Fleet, including a new solar charging station.
Installing charging stations isn't without it's challenges. If infrastructure is not present, then installing a new charger can be very cost prohibitive. The fleet assessment from SRP will help determine the location of future charging stations.
Current Fleet Statistics