In December 2022, the City of Chandler adopted the Chandler Embracing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Ordinance which provides protections against discrimination in services, employment, housing, and places of public accommodation. The ordinance can be found under Chapter 63 of the Chandler City Code.
Under Chapter 63, it is unlawful to discriminate on the basis of:
- Age
- Color
- Disability
- Ethnicity
- Familial Status
- Gender Identity
- Marital Status
- National Origin
- Race
- Religion
- Sex
- Sexual Orientation
- Veteran Status
Guide to Discrimination Complaints under Chapter 63
Important Requirements
- The discriminatory act must have taken place within the boundaries of the City of Chandler.
- A discrimination complaint must be filed within 90 days of the alleged discriminatory act unless the act complained of constitutes a continuing pattern or practice of discrimination, in which event it must be filed within 90 days of the last act of discrimination.
- Applies to local employers and businesses with six or more employees; owners and renters/lessors of housing with certain limited exclusions; places of public accommodation, as defined in the ordinance; and labor organizations.
- Provides expanded coverage of current anti-discrimination policies to the City’s elected and appointed officials, employees, volunteers, contractors, vendors, and consultants when it comes to the access, provision, and treatment of city services, programs, activities, and contracting.
- Chapter 63 does not cover complaints against Federal, State, Tribal, or other city entities.
- Does not apply in most cases of private clubs or non-profit religious organizations.
The City of Chandler is an Arizona municipality governed by the Arizona Public Records Law (A.R.S. § 39-101 et seq.). Complaints and associated documents filed with the City are presumptively public records under the Arizona Public Records Law. The City cannot guarantee the confidentiality of the information provided in a complaint. In the event of a public records request, any documents deemed public records will be carefully screened prior to disclosure to determine if any information should be redacted for privacy or other legal reasons.