Providing Safe and Beautiful Places for Play
First-ever Athletic Field Summit
The City’s first-ever Athletic Field Summit was held to give youth sports association members the opportunity to network, learn and offer insights on future field management and allocation policies. $2.5 million worth of turf maintenance equipment and additional part-time staff were deployed to care for the athletic fields.

Mobile Work Requests
Park maintenance crews completed nearly 4,200 work orders at City parks and conducted more than 700 inspections of playgrounds. The use of mobile technology enabled crews to submit reports and work requests directly from the field.

#WaterYouDoing Water Safety Campaign
Aquatics staff and Chandler Fire teamed up to launch the #WaterYouDoing water safety campaign, earning national recognition for its innovative marketing approach and collaboration to prevent childhood drownings.
Aquatics staff provided swim lessons to nearly 9,000 people and free swim lessons were made available to 463 people through partnerships with Salt River Project and the American Red Cross.

Thude Park Flyers

It’s 8 a.m. on a chilly weekday morning in November at Chandler’s Thude Park and the full swing of rush hour is buzzing in the distance.
In the park, neighbors are out for morning runs and walking their dogs. For most people, the day is just getting started. But for a group of retirees — many of them veterans — a day of flying remote-controlled planes is well underway.
Reimagining Neighborhood Parks

The City of Chandler has a goal to build at least one neighborhood park in every square mile of residential development — and to make each one unique.
When it came time to build Meadowbrook Park on Layton Lakes Boulevard, the City knew it needed to think outside of the box. The area has a number of playgrounds already developed, so City staff asked the surrounding community what it wanted to see in the space instead.