Military and Veterans Affairs Commission

Veterans salute at field of honor

The Military and Veterans Affairs Commission collaborates and partners with the city and outside stakeholders to further support Chandler's military community.

The Commission advises Council on veteran programs, policies and practices and acts as a community forum for Chandler's active-duty military members and veterans.

Agenda, Results and Minutes

Meetings are held monthly at 5 p.m. at in the Council Chambers Conference Room, 88 E. Chicago St.

Members (7)Term Expires
Robert Dalpe05-01-2026
Carol Farabee 05-01-2025
Shane Levinson05-01-2025
Michael Simon05-01-2027
Jacob Dort05-01-2027
LaShay Marks05-01-2027
Staff Liaison
Corey Povar, Community Services Assistant Director

Veterans Resources Brochure

Various local, state and national resources for Veterans.



Term: 3 years
Meets: Once a month
Members: 7 members, some commission members will be current members or veterans of the United States Armed Forces or represent service organizations.

Application to Serve

Established 11-01-2021; Ordinance No. 4991

For more information, call 480-782-2181.

2024 Military Bound Ceremony