Merit System Board

Flags in the City Council Chambers

The Merit System Board conducts appeal hearings involving the dismissal, suspension, or demotion of regular employees. The Board makes recommendations to the city manager on personnel policy.

Agenda, Results and Minutes

Meetings are held as needed at the call of the Human Resources Director.

Members (5)Term Expires
Daniel Pote05-01-2026
Breck Cook05-01-2026
Bill Crawford05-01-2025
Lon Miller05-01-2024
Amanda Steele 05-01-2024
Alternate Members (5) 
Juan Te Sharron Dailey05-01-2025
Eduarda Schroder05-01-2025
Staff Liaison
Rae Lynn Nielsen, Human Resources Director


Term: 3 years
Meets: As needed
Members:  5 members and 5 alternate members

Application to Serve

Established by City Charter Section 4.02
Bylaws Adopted 11-07-2013

For more information, call 480-782-2353.