Citizens' Panel for Review of Police Complaints and Use of Force

Chandler Police Crusier infront of City Hall

The Citizens' Panel for Review of Police Complaints and Use of Force reviews all citizen complaints, police shootings, and incidents when there is direct physical force by the police which results in serious physical injury or death. The Panel makes recommendations to the Chief of Police for further investigation and revisions of Police Department policy or procedures. The Panel Members complete the Chandler Police Citizens’ Police Academy.

Agenda, Results and Minutes

Meetings are held as-needed at the Chandler Police Department Main Station Community Room, 250 E. Chicago St.

Civilian Members (15)Term Expires
Samuel Enoch05-01-2026
Gina Giammona05-01-2026
Jill Slavin05-01-2026
Allen Leibowitz05-01-2027
Debra Schinke05-01-2026
Flor Martinez05-01-2027
Jason Diefenbacher05-01-2025
Laurie Fagen05-01-2025
James Bogert05-01-2025
Dawn Vukadinovich05-01-2025
Joshua Whitaker05-01-2025
Hilary Jenkins05-01-2026
Jeff Jones05-01-2027
Joseph Yang05-01-2027
Police Members (5) 
Commander Daniel Shellum 
Sergeant Dan Greene 
Detective Jeffrey Fox 
Commander Travis Feyen (Alternate) 
Sergeant Michael Prendergast (Alternate) 
Staff Liaison
Pamela Leon


Term: 3 years
Meets: Quarterly
Members: 15 citizen members, 6 police department members. Citizen members must complete the Chandler Police Citizens’ Police Academy and a background check and must have no previous felony convictions.

Application to Serve

Established 05-25-2000; Ordinance No. 3135
Amended 1-13-2022; Ordinance No. 4983

Bylaws; Adopted 07-09-2024

For more information, call 480-782-2181.