Chandler Museum Foundation

Chandler Museum Foundation Logo

Following the opening of the new Chandler Museum in December of 2018, the City of Chandler established the Chandler Museum Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization to raise awareness and provide additional financial support for the new museum. Comprised of a Board of Directors, appointed by the City of Chandler Mayor and Council, the Foundation is charged with seeking funding and earning revenue for the Museum's benefit.

The Foundation oversees the operation of the Museum Store and Museum Rental Program.

Agenda, Results and Minutes

Meetings are usually held at 5:30 p.m. on the 3rd Monday of every month at the Chandler Museum, 300 S. Chandler Village Drive.

Mission Statement

The Museum Foundation promotes the Chandler Museum to enable the sharing and preservation of the cultural history of Chandler. We achieve this through fund development for exhibits, events, educational programs, advocacy, and special initiatives.

Vision Statement

To enable the Chandler Museum to be known locally, regionally, and nationally as a community centerpiece of culture, history, and art.

Members (11)Term Expires
Barbara Meyerson, Chair05-01-2025
Joan Clark, Vice-Chair05-01-2026
Richard Feely, Treasurer05-01-2027
Joshua Askey05-01-2027
Tom Escobedo05-01-2025
Calvenea Malloy05-01-2026
Albert Quihuis05-01-2025
Jacki Ryan05-01-2026
Martin Sepulveda05-01-2027

Staff Liaison

Jody Crago, Museum Manager
