Chandler Golf Challenge

Registration is Closed
Fore the Future
Every year, one event exemplifies both fun and charity. For more than 25 years, the Chandler Golf Challenge has brought together men and women from our community for a great day of golf that, in turn, improves educational and recreational opportunities for hundreds of people with disabilities. Whether you are a player, a fan of the game, or even a passionate observer of the sport, your support ensures the Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities Scholarship and Stipend Fund has the necessary resources to help our community flourish.
For every program and service we’re able to offer, amid every achievement and success, there are committed donors, business and community leaders, volunteers, and advocates working behind the scenes to make it happen. They have brought us to where we are today and will help to carry us forward. The Golf Challenge offers numerous ways for you to give and get involved. Every dollar donated, every hour invested, directly impacts the lives of those within our community.
2024 Guidelines and Contest Rules Become a 2024 Sponsor