The city is committed to supporting special events that strengthen community vitality and foster, healthy, enriched lifestyles. Our short-term grant program aids non-profit organizations in producing special events that enhance Chandler’s neighborhoods in the following ways:
- Providing cultural and educational enrichment
- Celebrating our unique diversity, history, and heritage
- Enhancing pride and a sense of community
- Promoting a positive image of the City
- Endorsing economic vitality
2024-2025 Application Schedule
- Application available: July 8
- Application deadline: Aug. 15 at 5 p.m.
- Award notifications: Week of Sept. 30
Special Event Funding Grant Workshop

Tuesday, July 30 | 9 - 11 a.m.
Chandler City Hall
This “how-to” workshop helps you complete a promising Special Events Funding application. Bring your questions and receive immediate feedback.
Appointments required; reserve your spot via email. Appointments can be in-person or by video conference.
Chandler’s Special Event Funding Program grant helps nonprofit organizations celebrate the many unique that make Chandler a premiere community. The program is intended to help organizations immediately activate special events and jump-start long-term progress as events become established.
Since the grant’s inception in 2002, City Council has awarded $30,000 annually to events hosted in Chandler.
We receive many requests for financial sponsorships. While supportive in spirit of all approaches, we are limited in providing financial support to events we view as most closely aligned with our core mission.
The program is open only to 501(C)(3) nonprofit organizations and events must:
- Take place in Chandler
- Occur between Oct. 1, 2024 and Sept. 30, 2025
- Align with the grant’s mission to enhance the Chandler community
Grants can range from several hundred dollars to several thousand. An organization can receive no more than $5,000 or only eligible for 50% of the eligible event costs.
Recipients will be selected by a six-member panel, comprised of residents from city-appointed boards and commissions. The selection committee judges events on the degree to which their impact meets all other selection criteria and provides recommendations to the Chandler Cultural Foundation, which issues final approval. Awards are announced at the end of September.
Applicants are encouraged to review the Special Events Funding Program Information Book prior to submitting their application.
The following items must be completed:
- Special Events Funding Program Application
- Special Events Funding Program Estimated Budget Form
- Special Events Application – this application is only required if the event takes place on public property
Attach the requested items listed in the Special Events Funding Program Information Book.
All items must be returned via mail or in-person by the deadline.
Special Events Sr. Program Manager
PO Box 4008
MS 498
Chandler, AZ 85244
Hand Deliver
Special Events Sr. Program Manager
City Hall, Lobby Reception Desk
175 S. Arizona Ave.
Chandler, AZ 85225
Special Events Office Chandler City Hall 175 S. Arizona Ave. | 4th Floor Chandler, AZ 85225 | Mailing Address P.O. Box 4008, MS 498 Chandler, AZ 85244 |