An event that deviates from the permitted use of the space on private property is considered a Temporary Sales and Promotional Event (TSPE). The Special Events Office is prepared to assist businesses, companies, and individuals through the TSPE Permit process.
Handbook Application for Permit
Key Information
- Approved events cannot exceed 48 calendar days in any calendar year.
- TSPE permits are for events taking place on private property.
- Applications must be submitted 60 days prior to the proposed event date.
Private Property TSPEs include but are not limited to:
- Seasonal vendors (fireworks, Christmas tree lots, and pumpkin patches)
- Activities promoting a special event, product, merchandise or other promotion.
- Food truck events (exceeding three trucks)
- Sidewalk sales, farmers markets, marketplaces, etc.
- Extension of premise
- Other events on private, nonresidential property
- Parking lot/sidewalk extension
- Temporary extension or special events liquor sales
- Any combination of the above
60 Days Prior to Proposed Event
- Completed application, site map, property owner permission letter, and certificate of insurance must be submitted to TSPE.
45 Days Prior
- Applicant receives the results of the review and is provided with additional items and deadlines needed to complete the approval process.
30 Days Prior
- All outstanding items are due. If applicable, the Liquor License Application is due to Tax and Licensing.
- If your Liquor License Application is submitted to Tax and Licensing less than 30 days before the event, your application is NOT guaranteed approval.
3 Weeks Prior
- Application is approved and a permit is issued contingent upon fire inspection; if required.
1 Week Prior
- If applicable, neighborhood notification must be distributed.
Please find the supplemental materials you may need to continue your TSPE permitting process. Further instructions on how to proceed will be provided as needed. Applicants will be notified when one or more of the below forms are needed.
- Canopy & Tent Application | Required for any canopy over 401 square feet and any tent over 801 square feet
- Food & Beverage Application
- Generator Application | One permit is required per generator.
- Liquor License: City of Chandler
- Liquor License: State of Arizona
- Vendor Registration Spreadsheet for events with vendors selling merchandise, services and/or food.
- A form will be shared via Google Docs, if applicable.
Fire Fees
Liquor License
- City of Chandler: Applicants will sign into account to make online payment or can submit a check made out to City of Chandler.