Our community is full of resources, amenities, and activities to help you stay active in Chandler. Join us in a pledge to be healthier in our community.
Recreate Your Way
What do you like to do when you’re not working or going to school? Recreation is an activity that brings enjoyment or relaxation, and is typically done outside your home, work, or school. The spectrum of recreation activities is broad, from painting to camping to joining a sports league. Chandler Recreation strives to connect you with your passion through people, places, and programs in our community.
Check out our free drop-in classes or sign up for a new hobby program. Visit one of Chandler’s 70 parks or one of our recreation facilities.

Healthy Parks, Healthy You
Chandler’s parks are healthy resources that support the community’s physical and mental health and well-being. Sure, parks encourage to get out and get moving. They also help build a connection with nature and open the doors for connecting with other community members. The Trust for Public Land released a report with factual evidence to support the link between parks and community health.
Take the Love Your Park Challenge
Help us keep your parks clean, safe, and fun:
- Clean air zones: help us keep parks clean and fresh by refraining from smoking and vaping at the parks. For resources and assistance to stop smoking, please visit the Ashline.
- Don’t be a litterbug: please make sure your trash makes its way to the trash bins at the park, and don’t forget to clean up after your pups.
Did You Know
Always put your trash and food scraps in the trash. Left in the park, these items can take a VERY long time to decompose ... if ever. These items are frequently found around parks—see how long it takes them to decompose.

Love your park?
Let us know! Share your feedback about what you love to do at your park, or let us know when something needs a little attention.