The Census is a self-portrait of the nation. Every 10 years, the United States Constitution requires a count (or "census") of everyone living in the country. The count must include people of all ages, races and ethnic groups; all citizens and non-citizens. Every household must complete a Census form (either online, by phone or mail - if you received a paper questionnaire). Participating in the Census is your right and responsibility.
Why the Census Matters

The U.S. Census collects details on the entire country’s population. This information is used to:
- Distribute more than $675 billion in federal funding to states and communities each year for the next decade. Arizona's share is roughly $20 billion. That’s nearly $3,000 for every person counted.
- Determine representation in Congress.
- Allocate resources for job creation, housing, infrastructure and more.
- Determine where schools, roads, hospitals, child care centers, senior centers and other essential services should be built.
The Census significantly impacts the City of Chandler and its residents; a complete and accurate count is essential.
We're Counting on You
The U.S. Census Bureau has created an online map that features self-response rates from households that self-responded to the Census. To see how Chandler responded compared to other cities and states on the self-response map — you will need to select "Arizona" under State and "Chandler" under City to see the response rate for Chandler.
In addition, the link below features a self-response map by neighborhoods. See how your area did in the 2020 Census.
Self-Response by Neighborhood
Complete Count Committee
Chandler's Census Complete Count Committee (CCC) guides and supports the efforts of U.S. Census on a local level. Chaired by Councilmember Mark Stewart, this group represents many of Chandler’s special interest communities. Its members make recommendations to help the count reach every community. From a City staff perspective, Chandler's CCC is led by Neighborhood Resources Director Leah Powell.
Hard-to-count areas are a particular focus of the City. In these areas, people may not have access to the Internet. They might also be unaccustomed to interacting and even trusting the government.
The committee’s goal is a census count that includes all Chandler's residents. The committee also will work to increase understanding about the importance of the census and educate Chandler residents on how to participate.