Mayor and Council

The Mayor and City Councilmembers are elected "at large" to represent the entire City. They are not elected to represent districts or wards. The term of the office of Mayor and Councilmember is four years and is limited to two consecutive terms. Candidate elections are held in the even-numbered years. Each election year, three positions for City Council are up for election. Every four years an election is held for the office of Mayor.

City Council meetings are usually held the second and fourth Thursdays of the month. Study Sessions are usually held on the Monday prior to a Council meeting.

Chandler City Council

2025 Chandler City Council

Front row, from left: Vice Mayor Christine Ellis, Mayor Kevin Hartke, Councilmember Angel Encinas
Back row, from left: Councilmember Matt Orlando, Councilmember OD Harris, Councilmember Jane Poston, Councilmember Jennifer Hawkins


Contact the City Council

Need some help? Notice a problem that needs our attention? Please let us know about it.

Contact Chandler/Service Request Form

Please note that any correspondence, such as emails or letters, sent to city officials or staff becomes public record and is available for review by the public and members of the media.

Email the Mayor and Council

Office of the Mayor & Council 
Mail Stop 603 
P.O. Box 4008 
Chandler, AZ 85244-4008


Mobile app: Chandler PublicStuff

Mayor Kevin Hartke

Current Term: January 2023 – January 2027

Email Mayor Kevin Hartke

Mayor Kevin Hartke

Mayor Kevin Hartke began his second term in January 2023. Before serving as Mayor he previously served on City Council for nine years. Mayor Hartke served as Vice Mayor twice.

Mayor Hartke and his wife, Lynne, have been married for 44 years and have lived in Chandler since 1985. He served as Lead Pastor at Trinity Christian Fellowship in Chandler where he worked from 1985-2018. He still serves part-time at the church. He has a bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry from the University of Missouri, Columbia; and a master’s degree in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary. He served nine (9) years as the statewide director of For Our City, which is a collaborative effort of government, business, nonprofit, and faith leaders gathered to find solutions for needs in a community.




Mayor Hartke is involved extensively in the State, Phoenix metropolitan region, and Chandler. As Mayor, he serves on:

  • Arizona League of Cities and Towns as President
  • Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Executive Board and Regional Council as Chair
  • Greater Phoenix Economic Council
  • Arizona Commerce Authority
  • US Conference of Mayors Technology and Innovation Committee
  • US Conference of Mayors CHIPS Implementation Task Force

In Chandler, Mayor Hartke also volunteers with: 

  • American Cancer Society
  • Ex-officio Board member with the Chandler Chamber of Commerce
  • Ex-officio Board member with Chandler's Sister Cities
  • Ex-officio Board member of For Our City Chandler

His past regional service included the following: 

  • Board member of the MAG Economic Development Committee
  • Board member of the Regional Public Transportation Authority
  • Board member of Valley Metro Light Rail
  • MAG Regional Transportation Committee, Chair and Board Member
  • Board member with Desert Cancer Foundation of Arizona
  • Chair of the Continuum of Care Regional Committee to End Homelessness for MAG
  • Governor’s Commission on Faith and Communities and Congressional Committee on Faith and Neighborhoods

His past service in Chandler and beyond included the following:

  • Chandler City Councilmember
  • Commissioner on the Planning and Zoning Commission
  • Chairman of Human Relations Commission
  • Chairman of the 2010 Complete Count Committee and member of a previous Charter Revision Committee
  • Ex-official member of Chandler Airport Commission
  • For Our City Chandler Director
  • Executive Board of the Chandler Coalition On Youth Substance Abuse
  • YMCA soccer coach
  • Community volunteer activist and organizer of citywide volunteer efforts and Arrowhead Meadows Traditional Neighborhood Organizer
  • Literacy advocate, reading weekly to students at Galveston Elementary since 2007

Connect with the Mayor's Initiatives
Mayor Hartke supports several initiatives to connect with community members in areas that are important to the entire city. The Mayor encourages all Chandler residents to get involved.

Vice Mayor Christine Ellis
Current Term: January 2025 - January 2029

Email Vice Mayor Christine Ellis

Vice Mayor Christine Ellis

Vice Mayor Christine Ellis was born and raised in Haiti and moved to the United States in 1982. She has resided in Chandler since 1987. She has been married to her husband, Benjamin, for 38 years with daughter Taliah, and son Sean, who forever lives in their hearts.

Vice Mayor Ellis has a Bachelor of Science, in Nursing from Grand Canyon University and currently attends Walden University in the Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) program. She has worked as an RN for many large hospitals and care facilities while holding many high-level positions such as Director of Nursing in the Metro Phoenix area. Christine has also taught various medical fields and certified nursing classes in Arizona’s community colleges. She holds an Honorary Doctorate in Humanities as presented by the 1000 Shades of Women International.

From 1998 to 2015, she founded and operated Cedar Sanctuary LLC, realizing that families needed an alternative to caring for their loved ones. In addition to caring for the elderly, she has been a part of the foundation of the Bridge/FCS Ministry for more than 25 years which helps feed the local homeless population and provides to their spiritual needs, partnering with other ministries in Arizona. Vice Mayor Ellis was honored with a Presidential Medal for her commitment and dedication to community outreach services.

As Vice Mayor, Christine serves on local and regional committees, including:

  • Chandler City Council subcommittees for Economic Vitality, Sustainability and Technology and Neighborhoods
  • Vice-Chair of the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Domestic Violence Council, Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Human Services and Community Initiatives Committee, National League of Cities (NLC) Women in Municipal Government,National Black Caucus and the Human Development Committee and University Communities Council
  • National Haitian American Elected Officials Networks (NHAEON) Executive Board

Vice Mayor Ellis also serves on:

  • Co-founded Oppression Healing Ministry
  • Advisory Board Member of HASCED (Haitian American Center for Social Economic Development)
  • Committee Member - For Our City
  • Chair of Pollack Haitian Hope Center
  • Board Member of Midwest International Food Bank AZ
  • Governor-appointed member of the Arizona Nursing Board
  • Vice President of Mastering the Journey<
  • Board member of Chandler YMCA
  • Member of the Chandler Exchange Club


Her past service in Chandler and beyond included the following:

Chandler City Council Subcommittees:

  • Community Services, Economic Development, Neighborhood Resources and Cultural Development
  • Communications and Public Affairs, Information Technology, Management Services, Facilities and Fleet Citizen Bond Exploratory Public Works Subcommittee for 2020
  • Member, Governor-Appointed Board, Infection Control, State of Arizona, Assisted Living Rep
  • Chandler SDA Church Building Committee Board
  • Co-founder of the non-profit The Bridge for Community Services
  • Co-Chair HID (Haiti Infrastructure and Development)
  • Co-Founder, Village D’Esperance Orphanage in Haiti
  • Co-Founder, Haitian Disaster Relief, Board President
  • Co-Chair, Haitian American Center for Social Economic Development – HACSED
  • Marianne Desjardins Foundation
Councilmember Angel Encinas
Current Term: January 2023 – January 2027

Email Councilmember Angel Encinas

Councilmember Angel Encinas

Councilmember Angel Encinas is your hometown councilmember. Raised in the heart of downtown, where he still lives to this day. Councilmember Encinas manages an immigration consulting firm and also is a realtor. Both professions give him a reach into the community on several important levels. Councilmember Encinas is a product of our Chandler public schools and holds a degree in Business from Arizona State University with a minor in Sustainability.

As a Councilmember, he serves on the following City of Chandler Subcommittees:

  • Community Safety
  • Connectivity
  • Economic Vitality

Councilmember Encinas also serves on the following:

  • Chandler Commerce Education Workforce Development Coalition
  • Chandler Chamber Diversity, Equity, + Inclusion Committee
  • Chandler Chamber Education & Workforce Committee
  • CUSD Diversity Advisory Board
  • Board member with East Valley Dream Center
  • Phoenix East Valley Partnership Board of Directors
Councilmember OD Harris
Current Term: January 2025 - January 2029

Email Councilmember OD Harris

Councilmember OD Harris

Councilmember OD Harris began his first term in January 2021. He is a proud U.S. Army Veteran, successful entrepreneur, a best-selling author, and founder of the National Ready Set Go Foundation (RSG).

Councilmember Harris began his entrepreneurial journey by opening one of the largest minority-owned accounting firms and successfully franchised the business.

Councilmember Harris’ passion and commitment is building an inclusive city, mental health, and economic development. It is through his beliefs and forward-thinking on these issues and others unmentioned that makes Chandler a great place to live, work, and play.

Harris is a man of faith, a devoted husband and father. He leads as a servant-leader on local, regional, and national committees and boards. With a master’s degree in accounting and lived experiences, formed through the perseverance and pursuit of education and business opportunities, that he brings a well-rounded and enthusiastic perspective when serving his community.

As Councilmember, he serves on local and regional committees, including:

  • Board of Directors, Institute for Building Technology and Safety (IBTS)
  • Board of Directors, Valley Metro Rail
  • Board of Directors Chair, Valley Metro Regional Public Transportation Authority (RPTA)
  • Governing Board of La Frontera Arizona and EMPACT-SPC
  • Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arizona
  • Chandler City Council Subcommittees for Economic Vitality, Innovation and Technology, and Neighborhoods
  • Co-chair of Black Philanthropy Initiative through the Arizona Community Foundation


Councilmember Harris currently serves on the following Subcommittees:

  • Connectivity
  • Economic Vitality
  • Quality of Life

His past service in Chandler and beyond included the following:

  • City of Chandler Airport Commission (Ex-officio)
  • National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Chairman of Economic and Entrepreneur Development of Maricopa County
  • Board Member – National Black MBA – Phoenix, Chicago and Los Angeles Chapters
  • Advisory Board Member-Clean Home Project
  • 100 Black Men of Phoenix
  • Black Philanthropy Initiative under the Arizona Community Foundation


Councilmember Jennifer Hawkins
Current Term: January 2025 - January 2029

Email Councilmember Jennifer Hawkins

Councilmember Jennifer Hawkins

Councilmember Jennifer Hawkins

Councilmember Hawkins is an Arizona native. She spent most of her youth in Payson, Arizona, and has lived in Chandler for the past 20 years with her husband, Wes, and their two daughters. She began her career as a purchaser for a local building materials supplier and, thereafter, took it nationwide. Jennifer and her husband opened their automotive repair shop, Highline Car Care, in 2010.

Hawkins has always found ways to give back and serve her community. Donating her time to local food banks as well as founding an annual toy drive benefiting Phoenix Children’s and Banner Hospitals. She was previously a board member for her legislative district and is the current Teen Queen State Director for Miss Rodeo Arizona, Inc., an organization dedicated to supporting young women who serve their community while emphasizing Arizona’s traditional western way of life.

Councilmember Hawkins currently serves on the following Subcommittees:

  • Community Safety
  • Connectivity
  • Quality of Life
Councilmember Matt Orlando
Current Term: January 2023 – January 2027

Email Councilmember Matt Orlando

Councilmember Matt Orlando

Councilmember Matt Orlando has been a resident of Chandler since 1983 and began his sixth term on the City Council in January 2023. He served as Vice Mayor from January 2023-January 2024, and also served as a City Councilmember from 1990-1998, 2004-2013, and 2019-2023.

In November of 2016, he retired from Honeywell. His final role was Director of Technical Sales and was responsible for business development, sales and marketing of more than $500M worth of satellite, space and missile technology communications products for the military and other government agencies. He led a worldwide sales and business team of 26 people and directed successful business ventures in both the U.S. and international markets.

Councilmember Orlando retired as a Colonel in the US Air Force after serving 30 years on active duty and in the Arizona Air National Guard. His last assignment was serving as the Chief of Staff for the Arizona Air Staff Headquarters.

He is married to Pat and they have three children and two grandchildren. A native of Newark, NJ, he graduated from Rutgers University, New Jersey with a BA in Political Science and received an MBA from Golden Gate University, San Francisco, CA.

Councilmember Orlando is:

  • A member of the National League of Cities’ Board of Directors
  • Serves on the National League of Cities’ Legislative Action Committee
  • A member of the Arizona Municipal Water Users Association Board of Directors
  • Chair of Read On Chandler/ Chandler Education Coalition

He currently serves on the following Chandler City Council subcommittees:

  • Neighborhoods
  • Quality of Life
  • Sustainability and Technology


He is active in the following:

  • American Legion member
  • Chandler Youth Baseball and YMCA youth programs coach
  • Junior Achievement teacher to elementary-age school children 
  • Military Officers Association of America
  • Past President of the Chandler Girls Softball League
  • Umpire for both youth and adult softball
Councilmember Jane Poston
Current Term: January 2023 – January 2027

Email Councilmember Jane Poston

Councilmember Jane Poston

Councilmember Jane Poston owns J2 Media, a 25-year video production and communications company, in partnership with her husband Jason. Together, they have raised a family and built their business in Chandler, while devoting time to supporting their community through service. As a small business owner who grew up in the East Valley, Councilmember Poston has experienced the enormous growth of Arizona, and managed and grown her successful small business through times of prosperity and times of national crisis.

As a former city employee, Councilmember Poston has worked with every department and possesses a strong understanding of the workings of municipal government from the inside out, including the budget, economic development, Mayor & Council and community events. In short, she understands how government works, and which questions to ask. She is an advocate for fiscal responsibility, government transparency, communication and responsiveness.

Councilmember Poston uses her business experience to develop a creative and innovative vision of what Chandler can be.


Councilmember Poston serves on the:

  • NLC Public Safety & Crime Prevention Committee
  • MAG Transportation Policy Committee
  • City of Chandler Connectivity Subcommittee
  • City of Chandler Economic Vitality Subcommittee
  • City of Chandler Neighborhoods Subcommittee

Councilmember Poston's prior community experience includes:

  • 2021 Citizens Bond Committee (Airport)
  • Arizona Council on Economic Education
  • Arizona Center for Blind & Visually Impaired, Board Member
  • Chandler Chamber Board Chair (2021)
  • Chandler Chamber Women in Leadership, Chair
  • Chandler Education Foundation Board, President
  • Chandler Firefighter Charities
  • CUSD Bond & Override, Marketing Chair
  • East Valley JCC Board
  • Fans Across America