Water Conservation in Action

Chandler is committed to educating our community on the best ways to save water and ensure a sustainable water supply for our future. Here are some of the water conservation actions taken by our community in 2023, along with the water we saved.

176,800 Square Feet of Grass Removed
5,566 Youth Reached Through Water Conservation Education
839 Water-Wise Site Visits
497 Water-Wise Workshop Attendees
168 Residents Installed Smart Controllers
150 Turf to Xeriscape Conversions
95 Water Conversion Kits Issued to Homes Built Prior to 1992
87 Landscape Consultations
65 Large Landscape Water Efficiency Program Participants
189.4 million gallons after 1 year
947 million gallons after 5 years

Community Water Consciousness

Chandler residents and businesses have a long history of demonstrating their commitment to using water efficiently and embracing a culture of conservation. Residential water use in Chandler has decreased from 140 Gallons Per Capita Daily (GPCD) in 1997, down to 111 GPCD in 2021. The average Chandler household is using 20% less water today than it did 25 years ago. Businesses have also been excellent partners, investing in water sustainability efforts. Chandler has reduced its demand for potable water by recycling all of its wastewater. The City produces roughly 30,000 acre-feet of reclaimed water annually and delivers it for urban irrigation, industrial uses, aquifer recharge and riparian wetlands.

There are a variety of conservation programs available to assist the community with water savings. The City offers free water-wise site visits, turf removal rebates, Smart irrigation controller rebates, free conservation retrofit kits and a variety of conservation education programs. Chandler’s newest conservation program, the Large Landscape Water Efficiency Program is intended to reduce outdoor water use. This free program assists large water users with a customized water budget, access to web-based software, a site map (including aerial imagery) and ongoing support to manage landscape irrigation efficiency.

Chandler Residential Water Use

Ways to Conserve Water

Lawn with sprinklers

Simple, low-cost conservation solutions


Invest in conservation

Average Annual Water Savings

How much does Chandler's conservation program save on average each year? The average residential grass-to-xeriscape conversion saves over 75,000 gallons per year, while our commercial and HOA customers save an average of over 1.3 million gallons per year. Water-wise site visits for residential customers save an average of 37,000 gallons per year and smart controllers save an average of 11,000 gallons per year.